
Ocean Noise Explorer (ONE)

Ocean Noise Explorer (ONE) is a web-based interactive ocean soundscape that will enable users to visualize and explore a wide variety of underwater noise metrics and other related data products such as CTD and meteorology data. The raw data used in this project is collected by the Regional Cabled Array and the Coastal Endurance Array of the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI). The raw data is processed by OOIPY, a Python library developed by our team, to calculate different data products that are required for a comprehensive ocean soundscape analysis.

To access this tool, please follow the instructions on this Github repository or visit this website.


OOIPY is a python toolbox designed to aid in scientific analysis of Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) data. This package is designed to help with the acquiring of datasets from the OOI Raw Data Server. Additionally, tools to analyze the data, such as spectrogram and power spectral density plotting are also provided.

To install this package, please visit this website.

Underwater Wind and Rain Noise Data

The PSD estimates were computed using raw data from the Ocean Observatories Initiative (

The data and documentation can be downloaded here.


Ship Noise Database (SND)

Ship Noise Database (SND) is a publicly available enhanced benchmark dataset for ship noises which can be used for ML classification and other analysis. It consists of more than 3500 hrs of recordings of around 7 different vessel types from 5 hydrophones located off the coast of Oregon.

More information will be available soon.

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