
Selected Refereed Publications

  1. Wilcock, Abadi, Lipovsky (2023) “Distributed Acoustic Sensing recordings of low-frequency whale calls and ship noises offshore central Oregon,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Express Lett. 3 (2), 026002. [PDF]
  2. Ragland, Abadi, (2022) “Exploring surface source contributions to ocean ambient noise interferometry with airgun shots,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 152(5), 3069–3077. [PDF]
  3. Ragland, Schwock, Munson, Abadi, (2022) “An overview of ambient sound using Ocean Observatories Initiative hydrophones,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 151 (3), 2085-2100. [Link][PDF]

  4. Ragland, Abadi, Sabra, (2022) “Long-term noise interferometry analysis in the northeast Pacific Ocean,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 151 (1), 194–204. [Link][PDF]

  5. Schwock, Abadi, (2021) “Statistical analysis and modeling of underwater wind noise at the Northeast Pacific continental margin,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 150 (6), 4166. [Link][PDF]

  6. Schwock, Abadi, (2021) “Characterizing Underwater Rain Noise in the Northeast Pacific Continental Margin ,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 149 (6), 4579. [Link][PDF]

  7. Schwock, Abadi, (2021) “Statistical Properties of a Modified Welch Method That Uses Sample Percentiles” IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, & Signal Processing (ICASSP), [Link][PDF].

  8. Abadi, Freneau, (2019), “Spectral Analysis of Airgun Pulses During Marine Seismic Reflection Surveys,” IEEE OCEANS, Seattle, WA, USA, [Link].

  9. Abadi, Wacker, Newton, Flett, (2019) “Acoustic localization of crows in pre-roost aggregations,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 146 (6), 4664–4671, [Link][PDF].

  10. Abadi, Freneau, (2019) ”Short-range propagation characteristics of airgun pulses during marine seismic reflection surveys”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 146(4), 2430–2442 [Link][PDF].

  11. Abadi, Haworth, Mercado-Shekhar, Dowling, (2018) “Frequency-sum beamforming for passive cavitation imaging,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 144, Issue 1, [Link][PDF].

  12. Abadi, Amaratunge, Boyd, Daniels, Thurmer, (2017) “Low frequency beamforming in shallow water environments,” Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, Vol. 30, 070003 [Link][PDF].

  13. Abadi, Tolstoy, Wilcock, (2017) “Ranging baleen whale calls using towed hydrophone arrays during seismic reflection surveys and studying effectiveness of a mitigation process”, PLoSONE 12(2): e0171115. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0171115 [Link][PDF].

  14. Abadi, Wilcock, Tolstoy, Crone, Carbotte, (2015) “Sound source localization using data recorded by hydrophone streamers during seismic surveys”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 138, Issue 6, [Link][PDF].

  15. Abadi, Thode, Blackwell, Dowling, (2014) “Remote ranging of bowhead whale calls in a dispersive underwater sound channel”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 136, Issue 1, [Link][PDF].

  16. Abadi, Van Overloop, Dowling,  (2013)“Frequency-sum beamforming in an inhomogeneous environment”, Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, Vol. 19, Issue 1, [Link][PDF].

  17. Abadi, Song, Dowling, (2012) “Broadband sparse-array blind deconvolution using frequency-difference beamforming”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol.132, Issue 5, [Link][PDF].

  18. Abadi, Rouseff, Dowling, (2012) “Blind deconvolution for robust signal estimation and approximate source ranging”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol.131, Issue 4, [Link][PDF].

Selected Conferences


  • Douglass, Wood, Phrampus, Abadi, (2022) “Effects of sub-seabed characteristics on acoustic transmission loss in seismic reflection surveys,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 152 (4).
  • Abadi, Wilcock, Lipovsky (2022), “Detecting hydro-acoustic signals using Distributed Acoustics Sensing (DAS) technology,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 152 (4).
  • Abadi, Bjorklund, Liu, Johnson (2022), “Detection and monitoring of seafloor methane bubbles using hydrophones,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 152 (4).
  • Ragland, Abadi (2022), “Overview of ocean ambient noise interferometry – theory and simulation,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 152 (4). [Slides]
  • Douglass, Wood, Phrampus, Abadi, (2022) “Acoustic propagation characteristics of the sub-seabed in seismic reflection surveys,” American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Chicago, Dec. 2022.
  • Ragland, Abadi (2022), “Overview of ambient noise research and outreach with OOI hydrophones,” American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Chicago, Dec. 2022.
  • Douglass, Wood, Abadi, (2022) “Seabed impacts on acoustic transmission loss models for marine mammal protection,” The effects of noise on aquatic life conference, Berlin, Germany.
  • Douglass, Wood, Phrampus, Abadi, (2022) “Using marine seismic reflection data to study sound-seabed interaction”, International Conference on Underwater Acoustics (ICUA), Southampton, UK.
  • Cram, Wilcock, Abadi, Lipovsky (2022) “A Test of DAS on the OOI Regional Cabled Array Trunk Cables,” CTBTO International Hydroacoustics Workshop, Vienna.
  • Douglass, Wood, Phrampus, Abadi, (2022), “The effects of array design on acoustic data collected during marine seismic reflection surveys”, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 151 (A241).
  • Ragland, Abadi, (2022) “Exploring surface source distributions for ocean ambient noise interferometry with airgun shots,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 151 (A190).
  • Ragland, Abadi, (2022) “Long-term ambient noise interferometry in the NE Pacific deep ocean” Ocean Sciences Meeting, virtual.


  • Alcantara, Abadi, Atlas, (2021) “Direction-of-arrival Estimation using Signal Processing on Graphs”, 2021 IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP), 2021, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/SSP49050.2021.9513776 [Link]

  • Ragland, Abadi, (2021), “Long-term noise interferometry analysis in the northeast Pacific Ocean”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 149 (A90). [Talk]

  • Schwock, Abadi, (2021), “Long-term Analysis of Ocean Noise Floor in the Northeast Pacific Ocean”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 149 (A90). [Talk]

  • Munson, Abadi, (2021), “Long-term analysis of ocean ambient noise recorded at the northeast Pacific continental margin”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 149 (A137). [Talk]


  • Abadi, (2020) “Analysis of Rain and Wind Ocean Noise,” Ocean Observatories Initiative Facility Board (OOIFB) Town Hall, American Geophysical Union (AGU) meeting.

  • Alcantara, Abadi, Atlas, (2020) “Improving the Performance of the Bartlett Method for Single-Snapshot Direction-of-Arrival (DOA) Estimation Using Signal Processing on Graphs (SPG),” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 148 (4) [Talk].

  • Schwock, Abadi, (2020) “Statistical analysis and modeling of rain-generated ocean noise in the northeast Pacific Ocean,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 148 (4) [Talk].

  • Schwock, Abadi, (2020) “Modifying the Welch method to estimate power spectral percentiles,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 148 (4) [Talk].

  • Schwock, Abadi, (2020) “Statistical analysis and modeling of wind-generated ocean noise in the northeast Pacific Ocean,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 148 (4) [Talk].


  • Abadi, Dowling, (2019), “Using Blind Deconvolution for Sound Source Localization,” IEEE Underwater Acoustic Signal Processing Workshop, Providence, RI.

  • Abadi, (2019) “Low frequency sound propagation in short ranges: a case where leaky modes can be observed,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 146, Issue 4 [Abstract][Slides].

  • Alcantara, Atlas, Abadi, (2019) “Graph signal smoothness for direction-of-arrival estimation of source targets using non-uniform line arrays”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 146, Issue 4 [Abstract].

  • Alcantara, Atlas, Abadi, (2019) “Applying Graph Signal Processing to direction-of-arrival estimation,” IEEE Graph Signal Processing workshop, Minneapolis, MN [Slides].


  • Abadi, “Using machine learning in ocean noise analysis during marine seismic reflection surve”,  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 144, Issue 3 [Abstract][Slides].

  • Abadi, Flett, Berge, DeHaan, Guy, Qureshi, Cook, “Studying underwater sound level caused by bridge traffic in Lake Washington”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 144, Issue 3 [Abstract][Slides].

  • Douglass, Abadi, Dowling, “Out-of-band beamforming in shallow water with horizontal arrays”,  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 144, Issue 3 [Abstract].

  • Alcantara, Atlas, Abadi, “Applying concepts and tools from signal processing on graphs (SPG) to problems in array signal processing”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 143, Issue 3 [Abstract].


  • Flett, Guy, Abadi, Wacker, “Localization Crow Vocalization in Social Aggregations”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 142, Issue 4 [Abstract],[Poster].

  • Abadi, Haworth, Mercado, Dowling, “Using Frequency-sum Beamforming in Passive Cavitation Imaging”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 141, 3613.


  • Abadi, Amaratunge, Boyd, Daniels, “Low frequency beamforming in shallow water environments”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 140, Issue 4 [Abstract][Slides].

  • Alcantara, Atlas, Abadi, “Comparing frequency-difference beamforming and delay-and-sum beamforming as an estimator of direction-of-arrival”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 140, Issue 4 [Abstract], [Poster].

  • Abadi, “Underwater acoustics education at University of Washington Bothell”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 140, Issue 4 [Abstract].

  • Abadi, Lim, “Underwater Flow Noise Simulation”, COMSOL Conference, Boston, MA, 2016.

  • Abadi, Tolstoy, Wilcock, “Ranging baleen whale calls using a towed hydrophone array during seismic reflection surveys and studying effectiveness of a mitigation process”, 4th International Conference on the Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life, Dublin, Ireland.

  • Dowling, Worthmann, Abadi: “Out-of-band beamforming and matched field processing”, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 139, 2082 (2016) [Abstract].


  • Abadi, Leckta, Mercado, Haworth and Dowling: “Frequency-sum beamforming in a random scattering environment”, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 138, 1925 (2015) [Abstract].

  • Abadi, Wilcock, Tolstoy, Timothy J. Crone and Suzanne M. Carbotte: “Sound source localization technique using a seismic streamer and its extension for whale localization during seismic surveys” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 138, 3951 (2015) [Abstract].

  • Abadi, Tolstoy, Wilcock: “Baleen whale localization using a dual-line towed hydrophone array during seismic reflection surveys“, (Invited Speaker), J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 138, 1762 (2015) [Abstract][Slides].


  • Abadi, Crone, Tolstoy, Wilcock, Carbotte: “Estimating the range of Baleen whale calls recorded by hydrophone streamers during seismic surveys”, 167th Acoustical Society of America meeting, May 2014, Providence, Rhode Island, Vol. 135, page 2335 [Abstract].

  • Abadi, “Blind Deconvolution in Underwater Multipath Environments and Extensions to Whale Localization”, Poster Presentation, Purdue University, Mechanical Engineering, West Lafayette, IN, 2014. [Poster]


  • Abadi, Thode, Dowling: “Comparison of remote ranging techniques for bowhead whale calls in a dispersive underwater sound channel”, (Best Student Paper Awards Winner), 166th Acoustical Society of America meeting, Dec. 2013, San Francisco, CA, Vol. 134, page 3972 [Abstract], [Slides].

  • Abadi, VanOverloop, Dowling: “Frequency-Sum Beamforming in an Inhomogeneous Environment”, 21st International Congress on Acoustics, June 2013, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Vol. 133, page 3524 [Link].

  • Abadi, “Blind Deconvolution in Multipath Environments and Extensions to Remote Source Localization”, Physics Graduate Student Symposium, University of Michigan, 2013.


  • Abadi, Song, Dowling: “Frequency-Difference Beamforming with Sparse Arrays”, 164th Acoustical Society of America meeting, Oct 2012, Kansas City, MO, Vol. 132, Issue 3, [Abstract], [Slides].

  • Abadi, Song, Dowling: “Broadband Sparse-Array Blind Deconvolution Using Unconventional Beamforming”, 164th Acoustical Society of America meeting, Oct 2012, Kansas City, MO, Vol. 132, Issue 3, [Abstract].

  • Abadi, Dowling, “Frequency-Difference Beamforming with Sparse Arrays”, Poster Presentation, University of Michigan Engineering Graduate Symposium, Ann Arbor, MI, 2012.


  • Abadi, Haapaniemi, Femminineo, Williamson, Dowling: “Near-field blind deconvolution in a reverberant environment”, 162nd Acoustical Society of America meeting, Oct 2011, San Diego, CA, Vol. 130, Issue 4, [Abstract].

  • Abadi, Rouseff, Dowling: “Using the impulse response from blind deconvolution for elementary source localization”, 161st Acoustical Society of America meeting, May 2011, Seattle, WA, Vol. 129, Issue 4, [Abstract].


  • Abadi, Dowling, Rouseff: “Blind Deconvolution of Remote- Source Signals from Ocean Acoustic Array Recordings”, 159th Acoustical Society of America meeting, 2010, Baltimore, MD, Vol. 127, Issue 3, [Abstract].

  • Abadi, Dowling, “Blind deconvolution of remote-source signals by Ray-based ATR”, 1st Annual University of Michigan SIAM Student Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, 2010.

  • Abadi, Dowling, “Artificial Time Reversal of remote-source signals from acoustic array recordings in multipath environments”, Poster Presentation, University of Michigan Engineering Graduate Symposium, Ann Arbor, MI, 2010.


  • Abadi, Dowling: “Blind deconvolution of remote-source signals from acoustic array recordings in multipath environments”, (Best Student Paper Awards Winner), 158th Acoustical Society of America meeting, October 2009, San Antonio, TX, Vol. 126, Issue 4, [Abstract].

  • Abadi, Dowling, “Blind deconvolution of remote-source signals from acoustic array recordings in multipath environments”, University of Michigan Engineering Graduate Symposium, Ann Arbor, MI, 2009.

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