
Active Aeroelastic Structures integrate aircraft aerodynamics, controls, and structure to harness and control aeroelastic twist at high speeds and dynamic pressures. We work on aircraft aeroelasticity with attention to designing for stability, weight reduction, structural durability, passenger comfort, noise reduction, and fuel efficiency. We are able to test our research in A&A’s 3X3 wind tunnel and the Kirsten Wind Tunnel, an advantage that we have here at the UW.

Recent News

Ting awarded ACE Fellowship

Eddie Ting awarded Aerospace Career Enhancement Fellowship.
UW Aero & Astro News

Eli Livne wins Enoch Thulin ICAS Innovation in Aeronautics Award

Professor Eli Livne wins the ICAS award for his contributions to aeroservoelasticity.
UW Aero & Astro News