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Bleeding Risk Assessment for Outpatients

Outpatient Bleeding Risk Index

Beyth RJ, Quinn LM, Landefeld CS. Prospective evaluation of an index for predicting major bleeding in outpatients treated with warfarin. Am J Med. 1998;105:91-9.

Aspinall SL, DeSanzo BE, Trilli LE, et al. Bleeding Risk Index in an anticoagulation clinic. Assessment by indication and implications for care. J Gen Intern Med. 2005;20:1008-13.

Risk Factor Points Awarded
Age >= 65 1
History of stroke 1
History of gastrointestinal bleeding 1
Presence of 1 or more comorbid conditions
(recent MI; SCr > 1.5mg/dL; Hct < 30%; diabetes)


Bleeding Risk Group Observed Outpatient Risk of Major Bleeding Observed Outpatient Risk of Minor Bleeding
0 points =
Low Risk
0.8 %/pt-yr 8.5%/pt-yr
1-2 points = Intermediate Risk 2.6 %/pt-yr 5.3 %/pt-yr
3-4 points =
High Risk
9.7 %/pt-yr 6.1 %/pt-yr


Gage BF, Yan Y Milligan PE, et al. Clinical classification schemes for predicting hemorrhage: results from the National Registry of Atrial Fibrillatiion. Am Heart J 2006; 151:713-9.

Letter Clinical Characteristic Points Awarded
H Hepatic or renal disease 1
E Ethanol abuse 1
M Malignancy 1
O Older age (>75) 1
R Reduced platelet count or function 1
R Rebleeding risk (ie: prior bleed) 2
H Hypertension, uncontrolled 1
A Anemia 1
G Genetic factors (CYP2C9 variant) 1
E Excessive fall risk 1
S Stroke 1


Risk Score Incidence of Major Bleeding (%/pt-yr)
0 1.9
1 2.5
2 5.3
3 8.4
4 10.4
>=5 12.3

The HAS-BLED Score

Pisters R, Lane DA, Nieuwlaat R, deVos CB, Crijns HJGM, Lip GYH. A novel user-friendly score (HAS-BLED) to assess 1 year risk of major bleeding in patients with atrial fibrillation. The Euro Heart Survey. Chest 2010; 138:1093-1100

Letter Clinical Characteristic Definition Points Awarded
H Hypertension Uncontrolled; >160mmHg systolic 1
A Abnormal renal and/or liver function (1 point each) Renal: chronic dialysis, renal transplant, or Scr> 2
Liver: chronic hepatic disease or laboratory evidence
1 or 2
S Stroke Prior history of stroke 1
B Bleeding Bleeding histor, anemia, or predisposition to bleeding 1
L Labile INRs Therapeutic time-in-range < 60% 1
E Elderly Age > 65 1
D Drugs and/or alcohol Drugs: concurrent antiplatelet agents or NSAIDS
Alcohol: 8 or more drinks per week
1 or 2
Risk Score Incidence of Major Bleeding In Euro Heart Survey Patients (%/pt-yr)
0 1.13
1 1.02
2 1.88
3 3.74
4 8.7
5 12.5
6 0 bleeds/2 patients
7 0 patients
8 0 patients
9 0 patients


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