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Local Methods To Prevent Or Control Bleeding

  • cold water rinse
  • local pressure (biting on gauze or tea bags)
  • site packing [gelatin sponges (Gelfoam); absorbable oxycellulose (Surgicel); microcrystalline collagen (Avitene)]
  • additional suturing
  • electrocautery
  • topical thrombin powder
  • tranexamic acid mouth rinse 5%*
  • aminocaproic acid mouth rinse 5%*

*hold 10ml in mouth for 2 minutes an hour pre-procedure then repeat q2h for 6-10 doses prn

Avoid Additional Bleeding Risks for 24 hours

  • hot liquids
  • mouth washes
  • hard foods
  • NSAIDS and antiplatelet agents

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