UW Tacoma Faculty Assembly

April 22, 2019

Nomination Call: UW Graduate School Council 2019-2022

The University of Washington, Tacoma currently has one representative vacancy on the Graduate School Council and is calling for nominations to fill this position.

  • The term will be for three years*, from Fall 2019 – Spring 2022
  • All voting, full-time Graduate Faculty (at least 50% appointment) are eligible to vote and to serve*
  • Self-nominations are welcome
  • Having representatives (2) from UWT on this council is important to ensure that UWT issues are considered


  • “Elected representatives serve for staggered terms of three years in order to provide continuity of the body. If a representative takes a leave of absence or is unable to complete his or her term, a replacement to complete the term shall be appointed by the Dean or Chancellor of the unit represented.”
  • “All voting members of the Graduate Faculty from a school, college, or campus shall be allowed to participate in the selection of a Council representative. Voting members are those who hold a Graduate Faculty appointment within that school, college, or campus.”

Responsibilities include:

Please nominate faculty that you believe would best represent UW Tacoma on the Graduate School Council via: https://catalyst.uw.edu/webq/survey/assembly/370641

Nominations must be received by 5:00 p.m., Friday, May 3, 2019.