UW Tacoma Faculty Assembly

May 21, 2024

2024 Faculty Assembly Spring Meeting Held on May 3

Faculty Assembly resumed its Spring Meeting tradition on May 3 in WPH after a pause of two years. Thirty-five faculty members participated in the faculty governance meeting, along with four faculty senate leaders including Chair Cindy M. Dougherty, Vice Chair Louisa Mackenzie, Secretary of the Faculty Mike Townsend, and the next Secretary of Faculty Gautham Reddy.


Faculty Senate Chair Cindy was invited to open our event with a speech. EC Chair Huatong Sun, APCC Chair Julie Masura, and FAC Chair Sharon Laing then gave updates for priorities projects in Academic Year 2023-2024 such as APT Bylaws Revision project, Campus Safety project, Academic Plan, and Equity-Minded Faculty Workload Initiative. EVCAA Andy Harris gave a campus update and answered faculty questions, and the Chancellor provided a written update.

The Spring Meeting concluded with a series of lightning talks on faculty support and resources, including the work of redefining teaching excellence by Darcy Janzen from the Task Force of Future of Teaching and Learning, and new teaching evaluation forms by Leighann R Chaffee from the Faculty Council of Teaching and Learning, and Tri-campus Effort to Build Community Engagement Infrastructure by Rita Than from Tri-campus Community Engagement Task Force.

A Faculty Senate Reception was held after the spring meeting. Our colleagues got connected with conversation, food, and lego-making activities.

The band Class D Legislation gave a cheerful performance. Listen to the song of UW Tacoma by Amanda Kost (deputy faculty legislative representative) and Chris Laws (Faculty Liaison).