Darcy Janzen headshot

Welcome to Autumn 2020!

Welcome new faculty and welcome back returning faculty!  It’s been a busy summer for the Office of Digital Learning, and we’re so excited to update you on the work that we have done both locally and at the tri-campus level to support you and your students online this Fall. Here is what’s new!

New Digital Learning Webpage

Our Office of Digital Learning webpage has a fresh new look and will have a much deeper focus on hybrid and online pedagogy. We invite you to explore what we have put together so far, with more to come as the quarter gets going. New items include Topics & Toolkits, Canvas Course Templates, Readiness Checklists, a self-paced Hybrid and Online Training Course, opportunities to join teaching circles and learning communities, and information about our iTech Fellows Program. We have also created a Roadmap to Effective Online Teaching that provides some quick suggestions to consider as you plan your course for fall. These were developed through a tri-campus effort to improve the online learning experience for our students based on student feedback from spring quarter surveys. Take a little time to explore and we are always eager to hear about what you would like to see on our pages.

Additionally, you can link your students to the content inside of the Becoming a More Successful Online Learner page to help your students prepare and gear up for learning online.

New Blog

Our blog will be the go-to source for teaching strategies, faculty interviews, and the latest in e-learning research. We plan to showcase faculty and share examples of the exemplary work that is taking place at UW Tacoma. Subscribe in the lower right-hand corner to get alerted to new content.

Welcome, Chris Lott

photo of Chris Lott

I would like to introduce our Digital Learning Designer, Chris Lott, my newest team member! Chris was most recently the Associate Director of Teaching and Learning at the University of Alaska Fairbanks eCampus, where he engineered and guided the design and build-out of online and hybrid programs as well as the organization’s extensive menu of faculty development and innovation efforts. Chris has 25 years of experience at the intersection of education and technology, including more than two decades teaching face-to-face, hybrid, and online courses, most recently for the UAF Graduate School of Education. In his spare time, Chris enjoys—and welcomes conversation about—paper art, bookbinding, crosswords, poetry, tea, reading of all sorts, and armchair etymology.

Training, Workshops & Office Hours

As part of our work collaborating with colleagues from Seattle and Bothell, we jointly agreed to offer office hours and workshops to all faculty on all three campuses. Our hope is to increase our ability to support faculty and offer more opportunities. So, if you see a workshop being offered in Bothell or Seattle, feel free to join in or register. As always, we welcome you to join any of the UW Tacoma office hours or workshops as well!

UW Tacoma Digital Learning Calendar

UW Seattle Learning Technologies Workshops

UW Bothell Information Technology 

Have a question? Need to brainstorm or find solutions to the challenges you encounter? Ready to advance your teaching in hybrid or online?

  1. The Office of Digital Learning (ODL) team is located in WG 208. The Office remains closed but we are available for virtual meetings and consultations.  Email us at athelp@uw.edu to arrange a time.
  2. If you need Zoom or Panopto support, please email tacmps@uw.edu
  3. Not sure what you need? Email athelp@uw.edu and we’ll point you in the right direction.
  4. Check out the UW Teaching Remotely page for even more evidence-based information, practical guidance, advice, ideas, and resources for teaching remotely!
We look forward to working with you this quarter!
Darcy Janzen, Director
Darcy Janzen headshot

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