TnT: Fundamentals of Learning Objectives & Alignment

Alignment connects a course together from the broadest objectives to the most granular activities. Creating an aligned curriculum facilitates strategic thinking, ensuring—to the extent possible—that everything we and our students do is in service of a particular course’s learning goals.

In this Teaching Tip, you will learn to:

  • Contrast specific, measurable objectives from non-specific, unmeasurable objectives
  • Create specific, measurable course objectives
  • Define “alignment” of course objectives
  • Create specific, measurable module objectives that are aligned with course objectives

Learn more in the most recent entry in our Tips ‘n Techniques series: Fundamentals of Learning Objectives & Alignment

Teaching Tip Live – Facilitating Engaging Online Discussions

Sparking rich discussion can be even more challenging online than in the traditional classroom. In this Teaching Tip Live session, we’ll look at some ideas for prompting and structuring discussions, and even rethinking what discussion means altogether.



Teaching Tip Live: Accessible Pages in Canvas

In this Teaching Tip Live session we showed you how easy it is to create accessible Canvas Pages that are accessible from the beginning. It isn’t just the right thing to do, enhancing equity and inclusion—and saving time in the future—it’s the law. But we’ll focus on the first part!
