Canvas provides a plethora of useful features for facilitating a rich learning experience, but it is not particularly useful for teaching and learning in the open. Google Sites is a simple web publishing for students (and teachers!) to easily publish, and work, outside the Canvas walls. Like a tent. Get it? Onward!
Canvas Module Requirements can convey expectations, enforce sequencing, and promote timely participation through allowing you to define requirements students must meet to mark a Module as complete and/or move on in a course. Requirements may include viewing items, marking items complete, submitting assignments, or achieving a minimum score.
Learning is, to a large extent, a social endeavor. Helping students get to know each other—and you—as quickly as possible smooths the way for those critical social processes. We are focusing on virtual methods to support online and hybrid courses, but they all can be used for, if they didn’t originate in, the traditional classroom.
A relatively new Canvas feature, the SpeedGrader Comment Library, allows instructors to easily save and re-use responses, routine or otherwise, across their Canvas courses.
Re-use can be a good thing! Because they have a broad overview of their feedback and comments across a course, instructors can feel ambivalent (or worse) about reusing comments and feedback for multiple students. But the reality is, as long as the comment is accurate and aligned with your grading criteria, the comment is new and useful to the individual student.
The UW Office of Information Technology and the UWT Office of Digital Learning are always here to help with your technical and pedagogical questions, respectively, but there are a plethora of resources to help you on your Canvas journey.
Alignment connects a course together from the broadest objectives to the most granular activities. Creating an aligned curriculum facilitates strategic thinking, ensuring—to the extent possible—that everything we and our students do is in service of a particular course’s learning goals.
In this Teaching Tip, you will learn to:
Contrast specific, measurable objectives from non-specific, unmeasurable objectives
Create specific, measurable course objectives
Define “alignment” of course objectives
Create specific, measurable module objectives that are aligned with course objectives
Sparking rich discussion can be even more challenging online than in the traditional classroom. In this Teaching Tip Live session, we’ll look at some ideas for prompting and structuring discussions, and even rethinking what discussion means altogether.
In this Teaching Tip Live session we showed you how easy it is to create accessible Canvas Pages that are accessible from the beginning. It isn’t just the right thing to do, enhancing equity and inclusion—and saving time in the future—it’s the law. But we’ll focus on the first part!
In aviation, a preflight checklist is a list of tasks performed by pilots before takeoff. Based on a select few principles of the Hybrid/Online Course Development and Evaluation Rubric (despite the title, the Rubric largely applies to face-to-face classes too) and other best practices, using this checklist can help avoid needless problems before your course lifts off the virtual tarmac!
Canvas Assignments (including traditional Assignments, Graded Discussions, Quizzes, and Surveys) can be organized into groups. These are useful on their own to help students (and instructors!) keep track of coursework, but can further be used to implement “weighted” grading, which provides significantly more flexibility for instructors to implement a flexible, adaptive curriculum.