Tag Archives: open-pedagogy

Teaching Tips Live – Privacy in Public: Student Autonomy and Safety in Open Assignments

Privacy in Public: Student Autonomy and Safety in Open Assignments


Marisa Petrich
Marisa Petrich

Erika Bailey
Erika Bailey

November 16 | 12:30-1:30p | Zoom

Teaching and learning in the open can improve pedagogy and enrich the classroom experience across many dimensions—including increased agency, attention, engagement, and varieties of modes of assessment, to name a few—but instructors are often wary of the privacy and safety implications.

Join Marisa Petrich, Instructional Design Librarian and experienced open teacher and learner, and Erika Bailey, Data and Digital Scholarship Librarian, for an active discussion where you will learn how working in the open can be both practical and exciting, share your experience with your peers, and get answers to your questions about student autonomy and safety in open assignments.

Questions? Contact Chris Lott <clott@uw.edu>

More Information

Discussion Leaders

Discussion Host

  • Chris Lott, Learning Designer, UW Tacoma Office of Digital Learning

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Teaching Tips Live: Open Pedagogy with Marisa Petrich

Renewable Assignments depiction featuring a teacher and students pointing to an assignment and the earth and audience.

What is Open Pedagogy? How does it relate to OER? What are the benefits for your students and yourself? What are “renewable assignments?” How do UW instructors engage in open teaching and learning? Where can they get help?

All these questions, and more, are covered in our most recent Teaching Tips Live conversation featuring Marisa Petrich, Instructional Design Librarian and Open Teaching and Learning expert.

View the full Teaching Tip for further resources, including video highlights, links to sites and information shared during the conversation, and information on earning a stamp on your Passport to Teaching Excellence.

[CC-BY image by Giulia Forsythe]