
StateStatusState Law
Louisianađźź©(1) HB 455 (2019)
(2) HB 308 (2018)
Explanation of State Law
Failed LegislationTesting
(1) Defines autonomous vehicles, controlling authority, reporting requirements, accident guidelines
(2) Defines platooning and operating procedures for platooning
-Walmart (source)
Testing Requirements
Oversight Department
Infrastructure Developments
"""The report recommends that state legislation, for now, allow autonomous vehicles to be operated for testing purposes only.""
Services will initially begin with a safety driver" (source)
HB 455 Establishes task force oversight; none detailed-
Crashes/Safety Incidents
Liability/Insurance Requirements


StateStatusState Law
Pennsylvania🟨(1) 2019 PA H 1078 (2019);
(2) 2017 PA S 427 (2017);
(3) 2017 PA S 1096 (2018);
(4) 2017 PA H 1637 (2017);
(5) 2017 PA H 1958 (2018);
(6) 2017 PA H 2300 (2018);
(7) 2017 PA S 427 (2017);
Explanation of State Law
Failed LegislationTesting
-NonePennsylvania AV Testing Guidance (source)
Testing Requirements
Oversight Department
Infrastructure Developments
“Currently during Highly Automated Vehicle (HAV) testing, a licensed driver is required to be seated in the driver’s seat with the ability to intervene in situations where the Automated Driving System (ADS) experiences a system interruption or other problem rendering the ADS unable to safely perform the dynamic driving task and the vehicle is unable to come to a minimal risk condition on its own.”--
Crashes/Safety Incidents
Liability/Insurance Requirements


StateStatusState Law
Arizonađźź©(1) NV S 288 (2021)
(2) NV A 412 (2021)
(3) NV A 69 (2017)
(4) NV AB 511 (2011)
(5) NV SB 140 (2011)
(6) NV SB 313 (2013)
Explanation of State Law
Failed LegislationTesting
NV A 69: Use of AVs, definitions, crash reporting, fines for AV violations. Permits use by taxi companies and motor carries in certain circumstances NV A 412: revises fully AV provisions NV AB 511: authorizes AV operation and a driver's license endorsement for AV operators NV SB 140: permits cell phone use in AVs, legally deems AV operators as not operating the vehicle NV SB 313: requriements for AV operation; insurance, etc. Liability waiver for OEMs whose vehicles are retrofitted as AVs-1. Nuro
2. Motional
3. Tesla
4. Hyundai/Aurora
5. Otto

(source 1, 2, 3, 4.)
Testing Requirements
Oversight Department
Infrastructure Developments
Unless excepted, a human operator must be positioned to immediately take over operation, and be capable of immediately taking control in event of failure or emergency.

Must submit certification for operations/testing.

$5,000,000 insurance req.

label affixed, easily disengage, can alert driver to take control in failure mode, meets all fed reqs.

10k miles before public road

(source 1, 2)
NV DMV"Tesla Megacharger
Crashes/Safety Incidents
Liability/Insurance Requirements


StateContactLegislation &/or Executive Order
GeorgiaDispatched letters Josh Waller 404 631 1007 jwaller@dot.ga.govHB 472 (2017) – Specifies that the law prohibiting following too closely does not to apply to the non-leading vehicle in a coordinated platoon. – Defines coordinated platoon as a group of motor vehicles traveling in the same lane utilizing vehicle-to-vehicle communication technology to automatically coordinate the movement of the vehicles. SB 219 (2017) – Defines automated driving system, dynamic driving task, fully autonomous vehicle, minimal risk condition and operational design domain. – Exempts a person operating an automated motor vehicle with the automated driving system engaged from the requirement to hold a driver’s license. – Specifies conditions that must be met for a vehicle to operate without a human driver present in the vehicle, including insurance and registration requirements. Georgia legislation is based on the bill used in Michigan; there was pushback saying the proposed law was overly oriented towards manufacturers; there was a successful move to make the law “technology neutral” Georgia is making use of “light touch” regulation to attract industry
Testing (Autos)Testing (Other)Testing and Deployment requirements
There has been some limited deployment but because Georgia law does not require state permission to test or deploy, operations could be taking place without the State knowing. Georgia DOT has worked with the City of Atlanta on a connected corridor Currently, companies which might test are in the initial phases; they have expressed concerns concerned about safety and being technology issue Platooning has yet to start, industry is looking for similar statutes with other states; the aim is to allow multi-state travel without encountering vastly different regulations form state to state. Georgia legislation allows testing and deployment without formal state permission. There are no Transportation Network Companies operating in Georgia at this time There is no formal requirement to notify state agencies about testing or deployment however most interested in parties coordinate with the Department of Transportation and the State Police
Local Government Pre-emption Self-CertificationOversight Department
There is no state preemption of local government regulation at this time; the City of Atlanta may be doing something with testing or deployment N/A There is a strategic deployment of certain upgrades in key corridors however they are early in the process. There is also investment being made in V2X; these investments will be significant. Georgia is looking at public private partnerships for laying fiber which will have dual purpose (state and private sector use)
Oversight DepartmentLiabilityData/ Privacy
Department of Transportation Same requirements as for other drivers See Semi Annual Data Collection Form
Social JusticeOther ContactsMisc.
There have not been expressions of interest by the disabled community or others Mr. Waller is willing to provide follow up information if needed N/A