New York

StateStatusState Law
New York🟨(1) NY S 2005 (2017, 2018)
(2) NY A 9508 (2018)
Explanation of State Law
Failed LegislationTesting
"(1) Allows testing, but requires previous approval from the NY state commissioner of motor vehicles, and must be done under the supervision of the NY state police. Someone with a valid license must be present within the vehicle during the testing.
(2) Just amends NY S 2005 requiring there be a law enforcement plan for testing, which explains to law enforcement how to interact with vehicles in emergency and traffic enforcement situations."
(1) NY A 8590 (2017)Intel Corp. - Testing a Ford Fusion

Testing Requirements
Oversight Department
Infrastructure Developments
Has to be in an area approved by the state commissioner of motor vehicles.

Testing must be supervised by the New York state police. Operators required to submit a law enforcement plan, explaining how law enforcement can interact with a vehicle in a safety or traffic stop situation. A driver with a valid license must be inside of the vehicle.

New York State Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, New York State Police-
Crashes/Safety Incidents
Liability/Insurance Requirements


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