Please check back for updates as we add more opportunities to get involved.

Sibling Language Development:

This study will investigate the underlying neural mechanisms of speech processing in infants with varying family language histories. The goal is to expand our understanding of atypical language development, in hopes of learning more about the early signs of developmental language disorder (DLD) and contributing to the development of early intervention strategies.

A licensed speech language pathologist with assess your older child’s language skills and can provide feedback at no cost. We will measure infants’ neural processing of speech non-invasively at 6, 12 and 14 months of age.

Basic Selection Criteria (updates posted periodically):

  • Families with or without a history of language and/or communication disorders;
  • Infant under 6 months with at least one older sibling (3 years or older);
  • Monolingual-English households

If you are interested in learning more or enrolling your children, please submit an interest form.