How will you assess behavioral health integration in community health centers?

We will conduct a national survey of 3600 federally qualified health center (FQHC) delivery sites across the US. Each delivery site will be asked to respond to the Practice Integration Profile 2.0, a validated measure of the core activities related to integrated care.​  We will also include a handful of policy-relevant questions related to behavioral health service delivery in FQHC systems.

Will you be surveying FQHC organizations or delivery sites?

The goal of this work is to understand the level of IBH at primary care delivery sites, not the FQHC as a whole. Within an organization, primary care delivery sites will vary on their resources, population and level of behavioral health service delivery and integration.  Thus, for an FQHC which may have multiple primary care sites, each site is eligible to complete a survey.

Inclusion criteria for the delivery sites are:  1) brick-and-mortar clinic, 2) primary care is the main purpose, 3) open at least 4 full days per week.

Exclusion criteria: any delivery site/clinic that is a specialty clinic (e.g. dental, eye, behavioral health specific clinic); mobile clinics; school-based clinics or clinics located in specific/unique settings like senior centers.

Who can fill out the survey?

The PIP 2.0 is meant to be completed by individuals who are involved in direct clinical care within a delivery site. We are requesting that a clinic/site medical director or senior primary care provider who can comment on all the clinical care delivered at a site. A senior leader of the FQHC may also be eligible for completing the survey if they also practice clinically at a site.

Ideally the survey is completed collaboratively with input from multiple providers (primary care and behavioral health), though we recognize this may also not be possible. A $50 Amazon gift card or Zelle payment will be provided to the person facilitating completion of the survey.

How long will the survey take to complete?

The survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.

Besides the survey, what else will this study do?

Survey data collected FQHCs will be linked to data on state policies, population and organization factors, and Medicaid claims. We will study how the behavioral health services delivered in FQHCs and the level of integrated care in a clinic improves access to care, reduces racial and ethnic disparities, and results in better outcomes. ​

What is the benefit to health centers to participate?

Our team will provide immediate feedback and confidential reports to responding FQHC delivery sites that benchmarks their level of integrated care relative to other similar FQHCs nationally. Once we link in Medicaid claims, we will feedback outcomes data as well. Data demonstrating the value of integrated services in FQHCs – such as delineating their impact on health outcomes, access to care and equity for Medicaid enrollees –can be used in efforts to advocate for greater funding, as well as regulatory change relating to the behavioral health workforce and provision of behavioral health services.

Is there opportunity for ongoing partnership?

Yes! This is a large and complex study that involves many more components than just the survey. As we start to get data back, we welcome feedback from our partners on what the data means and how we can best message the findings to facilitate policy-change and advocacy