Hans Neurath Biophysics Core


The Hans Neurath Biophysics Core is home to numerous core instruments available for use by members of the UW Department of Biochemistry. To gain training and access to these instruments, contact Lisa Tuttle with a description of you project and instrument needs.

Circular Dichroism Instrument Circular Dichroism. Jasco J-1500 circular dichroism spectrometer, capable of high sensitivity and resolution linear dichroism and absorbance, with measurable wavelengths ranging from 163 nm to 950 nm. The instrument is also equipped with a Peltier cell holder for accurate and rapid temperature control.


Photograph of Mass Photometer Mass Photometer. A ReFeyn Two-MP mass photometer is available for rapid determination of single-particle mass measurements in solution.


Wyatt DLS Dynamic Light Scattering. A Wyatt DLS is available for determining sizes of complexes in solution using a 96-well plate.


Photograph of Fluorimeter Fluorimeter. A Fluorolog 3 (Horiba Scientific) fluorimeter with temperature control capability is available for FRET-SX measurements and other fluorescence spectra collection.

FluorEssence v3.5 User Manual
Fluorolog-3 User Manual


Photograph of Octet R8 Protein Analysis System. A Sartorius Octet R8 is available for protein quantitation and kinetic analysis in a 96-well plate.

Octet® R8 Protein Analysis System | Sartorius

Affinity ITC Affinity ITC. Easily measure thermodynamic properties and Kds.



SEC-MALS Currently Offline

SEC-MALS. A Wyatt miniDAWN TREOS multi-angle light scattering detector coupled with an Optilab T-rEX differential refractive index detector is available for accurate and sensitive measurements of protein molecular weight (200 Da to 10 MDa) and radius of gyration (10 to 50 nm). An additional WyattQELS dynamic light scattering module allows for simultaneous measurement of the hydrodynamic radius. The light scattering instruments are downstream of an Agilent 1200-series HPLC chromatography system equipped with small-volume, high-resolution, analytical-grade size exclusion columns and an autosampler for running multiple samples.




Avestin Homogenizer C-3. Currently Unavailable. Future access TBD
