B.S. and B.A. degrees in Biochemistry

For information regarding our undergraduate majors in Biochemistry, please visit the UW Catalog and the Chemistry & Biochemistry Undergraduate Advising Site.

Biochemistry Advising

Until further notice, access to the Chemistry buildings is restricted. For general information, please contact the main office. For undergraduate advising, please see Advising & Academic Support. For operations support, see our COVID-19 guidelines.

You may also consult with the Chemistry & Biochemistry Undergraduate Advisors.

You can drop-in for advising from 9:00-11:30 AM and 1:30-4:00PM Monday through Friday or you can contact them directly.

Casey Renneberg
Lead Academic Counselor
Chemistry and Biochemistry
303B Bagley Hall

Tim Bradford
Senior Academic Adviser
Chemistry and Biochemistry
303A Bagley Hall

Biochemistry Courses

Undergraduate courses offered by the Department of Biochemistry

Nonmatriculated students

Nonmatriculated students may under certain circumstances register for our courses. This requires prior approval, and the submission of this form. Email completed NM forms to advisors@chem.washington.edu for prerequisite verification and required signatures.

BIOC 405, 406: Introduction to Biochemistry

Credits: 3, 3
Quarters: Autumn, Winter, Spring.
Instructors: Autumn 405 DiMaio and N. King; Winter 406:  Kwon and Ailion; Winter 405: Veesler and Hurley; Spring 406: Escobar and Vasquez.
Course Description: Survey of basic principles of biochemistry and molecular biology, emphasizing broad understanding of chemical events in living systems in terms of metabolism and structure-function relationships of biologically important molecules. Suitable for pre-majors, for students interested in careers in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, medical technology, biology, etc. Prerequisites for 405: Biology 200; either Chem 223, Chem 237, or Chem 335. Prerequisite for 406: Biochemistry 405.

BIOC 426: Basic Techniques in Biochemistry

Credits: 4
Quarters: Autumn, Winter, Spring.
Instructor: Holt.
Course Description: Introduction to basic biochemical techniques and experimental design, largely but not exclusively for biochemistry majors. Prerequisites: 405 and 406 or 440 and 441 or equivalent.

BIOC 440, 441, 442: Biochemistry

Credits: 4,4,4
Quarters: Autumn, Winter, Spring.
Instructors: Autumn: Kollman, Brockerhoff; Winter: Holt, Gu; Spring: Kong, Ruohola-Baker.
Course Description: Biochemistry and molecular biology (with quiz sections) for undergraduate biochemistry majors seeking a B.S. degree, undergraduates in molecular and cellular biology, and students from other science departments. Graduate students may be admitted upon request and with approval of the instructors. Prerequisite: 2.5 in either BIOL 201 or BIOL 200; 2.5 in either CHEM 224, CHEM 239, or CHEM 337; 2.0 in either MATH 124, MATH 134 or MATH 144.

BIOC Honors 450: Biochemistry

Credits: 4
Quarters: Autumn
Instructors: Klevit, Wills.
Course Description: For Biochemistry majors and molecular and cell biology majors. Core concepts in biochemistry, including protein structure, compartmentalization of reactions, thermodynamics and kinetics in a biological context, energy production, and regulation of metabolic pathways. HONORS BIOC covers the same topics as BIOC 440, but emphasizes group exercises and analysis of primary literature.

BIOC Honors 451: Biochemistry

Credits: 4
Quarters: Winter
Instructors: Brzovic, Hoppins.
Course Description: BIOC 451 is the honors version of BIOC 441; it covers the same topics in metabolism and gene expression using the same textbook, but is taught as a group discussion of selected publications from the primary literature, with an emphasis on research strategy, experimental design, creative thinking, and scientific communication.

BIOC 499: Undergraduate Research

Credits: Variable
Quarters: Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer.
Course Description: Research on enzymes, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids; physical structure and function of biological macromolecules; bioinformatics and genomics; and cell and developmental biology. Credit/no credit only. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.