UW MOSSIC – a support system for students on the autism spectrum

MOSSAIC (Mentoring, Organization and Social Support for Autism Inclusion on Campus) uses an empirically supported intervention strategy (peer mentoring) to provide organizational and social support for UW students with ASD and related challenges. An interdisciplinary team from the UW Speech and Hearing Sciences department trains undergraduate peer mentors to support mentees with ASD to help them reach their individual goals (e.g., navigation to campus resources, assistance with time management strategies and tools, strategies for communication with professors or partnered/group work, etc.).

MOSSAIC mentees meet weekly one-on-one with their mentor, participate in monthly events with other mentors and mentees, build relationships within the group and around campus, and maximize their personal talents and strengths for ongoing success. The role of the peer mentor is to suggest supports to compensate for executive functioning, social, and other difficulties as related to accessing and enhancing the mentees’ collegiate experience – not to attempt to “fix” any aspect of neurological or social functioning.

A formal diagnosis of ASD is not a requirement of participation. Students may join the program at any time during their college experience, as part- or full-time students, and as traditional or non-traditional students. There is a nominal quarterly cost for participation, with financial assistance available. For more information, please visit https://depts.washington.edu/mossaic, email mossaic@uw.edu, or call (206) 543-5440.