Racist Crimes Against Asian and Asian American Communities

A message from Department Chair Laura Lowes:

CEE community members,

Most of you have heard of the terrible events in Atlanta last week, when a gunman shot and killed eight people, including at least six women of Asian descent. We grieve for their loss, and stand in support of Asian and Asian American communities.

This form of hatred and bigotry is not new; it has a long and shameful history in our nation. Nationally, anti-Asian hate crimes have increased during the past year. In Seattle, two predominantly Asian American churches have repeatedly received anti-Asian hate messages, including an incident last week.

We condemn these racist attacks, we mourn the victims of these hate crimes, and we stand firmly in support of our Asian and Asian American colleagues, friends, and neighbors.

In the last year CEE has heightened efforts to create a diverse, equitable and inclusive community for all, including our Asian and Asian American faculty, students, staff, alumni and friends. If you are looking for new ways to contribute to this effort or have specific concerns that you would like to share with our JEDI leadership, please visit our JEDI website here.

This last year has been challenging for all. Hopefully, this week of spring break will provide you an opportunity for rejuvenation and renewed energy to work towards increased justice, equity, diversity and inclusivity in CEE and beyond as well as to advance your academic, professional and personal goals.