CEE Ugrad Weekly: Career Fair Prep, WIN22 Registration, Seniors – Apply to Graduate!

CEE Undergraduate Weekly (10.27.21)

Hello CEE Majors,

This one is going to be short as we just wanted to provide you with a few reminders:

1. The Construction Expo Career Fair started this week, with events and sessions going through Nov 8, 2021.  Professor Steve Muench will be holding a prep session today (Wednesday, October 27th, 12:30 – 1:20 p.m) in Mueller 153. I have also linked Prof. Muench’s Career Fair Advice document here.

2. Always make sure to include your full name and student ID number when emailing ceadvice@uw.edu.

3. All of our weekly emails are archived on the CEE News Blog, categorized as Advising Announcements. If you missed last week’s CEE Ugrad Weekly, it contained a ton of information on WIN22 registration (The time schedule is now live).

4. Seniors: If you have yet to apply for graduation, you will need to complete our google form to initiate the process (If the form is closed when you try to access it, please email ceadvice@uw.edu). If you can do this soon (by the end of the week), you can obtain graduating senior registration priority for WIN22 and SPR22.

5. Our CEE Current Student landing page has been reorganized to provide you with the most relevant resources for degree requirements and course planning, as well as student support and resources. Please take a look when you can and let us know if you have questions or feedback.

As always, drop-in advising information and our advising calendars can be found here.