TTF 5th Annual Technical Literacy Fellowship

Hello CEE Ugrads,

Lauren Lowes, the Department Chair Professor of CEE, is encouraging undergraduate students to apply for an interesting competition that focuses on “projects that further the technical literacy of the public at large especially regarding extreme loading events.” More information on the event is down below:

Thornton Tomasetti Foundation

(Technical Literacy Fellowship)

Dear Civil Engineering and Journalism Department Head,

The Thornton Tomasetti Foundation is pleased to offer this request for proposals for our 5th annual Technical Literacy Fellowship. Please note, this is different than our Student Innovation Fellowship and National Scholarship program proposal requests previously sent.


The goals and guidelines for the Technical Literacy Fellowship are attached.  Please forward submission information outlined in the Guidelines to Gwendolyn Dowdy, TTF Program Administrator at no later than April 4, 2022


We are again excited this year to announce our jury: Jim Glanz, New York Times, International Investigative Reporter, Raymond Daddazio, Managing Principal and Elisabeth Malsch, Senior Principal of Thornton Tomasetti, Inc.

We are very much excited to continue to build on our fellowships and hope they will be of interest and help to you and your students. 


We look forward to you submitting student nominations.  Please let us know if you are interested or you have any questions via email at