SUM22 Research Opportuntiy: Sediment Transport Modeling REU (Deadline June 1st – TODAY)

Sediment Transport Modeling REU: Summer 2022

This Research Experience for Undergraduate Students (REU) accompanies the University of Washington NSF-funded PREEVENTS project designed to understand geomorphically driven flood hazards. The project fundamentally revolves around the question: how do geomorphic processes such as landslides, river morphodynamics, and glacial retreat affect sediment supply into river networks and subsequent downstream flood-hazards? You can read more about the project here.

As a student researcher, you would be involved with modeling sediment transport through the Nooksack River network in Western Washington State. You would work to couple models of sediment delivery such as landsliding, to a sediment transport module in Python. Shelby Ahrendt & Jeff Keck, two Civil & Environmental Engineering graduate students working on the project, would be involved as mentors in this endeavor. Previous coding experience is a bonus, but we understand not all applicants may have a background in modeling!

The position would offer full-time (40 h/week) funding in the summer. If you are interested, please apply through the following link: Applications are due on June 1st at 5pm!. If you have any questions please email Prof Erkan Istanbulluoglu,