CEE Town Hall Zoom Event 11/20 (4:00pm – 5:00pm)

Dear CEE students, staff, postdocs and faculty,

Please join us for the first CEE Town Hall of this academic year, which will be held on Zoom from 4:00 – 5:00 on Wednesday Nov 30.

We’re continually working to make CEE into as welcoming and inclusive a community as we can. As part of this effort, we have been holding a Town Hall every quarter for the last two and a half years. The Town Hall is your opportunity to let the department know how things are going, provide suggestions for change and also hear about the actions the department is taking. Please join us!

Please note that only authenticated UW users can join the Zoom meeting. When joining the meeting, please make sure you are logged in with your UW NetID and password. Please also note that the Town Hall will be recorded. 

CEE DEI Town Hall – November 30, 4-5PM

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 939 9330 5634