AWWA Scholarship Program Deadline Approaching (12/21)

Attention Students,

This could be you in 2023!

Andromede Uwase received the American Water Works Association Larson Aquatics Research Scholarship (LARS) in 2022 and is now attending the University of North Carolina Chapel in pursuit of her Master of Public Health. The LARS is helping her to achieve her goal of becoming an environmental health researcher focusing on water safety and treatment. She not only received the scholarship but was funded to attend ACE22 in San Antonio where she gathered with other scholarship recipients to attend sessions and network with other water professionals.

There are 28 scholarships available this year totaling $200,000 through the AWWA Scholarship program managed by Water Equation. These scholarships fund the pursuit of any career that will benefit the water sector.

The deadline for applications is December 21, 2022 for award in June 2023 to be applied to tuition and materials in the Fall 2023-Spring 2024 semesters.

Make a commitment to your education and start your application today!