2022 ASCE ICTD Conference

Hi all,

This email is advertising the upcoming American Society of Civil Engineers International Conference on Transportation and Development (ICTD). This year’s conference will be held in downtown Seattle in just one month and will feature a wide variety of technical and plenary sessions, workshops, and technical tours. There are also many activities that pertain to younger members (those 35 years of age or younger). Today (April 28) is the last day for advanced registration to the conference so do not delay: https://www.asce-ictd.org/registration

Thank you and hope you are all having a great spring quarter!

Tunnel Conference Scholarships – Apply by May 1, 2022

Dear Undergrads,

Time Sensitive: Student applications due May 1

The Underground Construction Association is sponsoring dozens of students to attend the annual tunnel design and construction conference, held this year in Philadelphia, June 19-22, 2022. The conference will take place in person with all appropriate Covid health and safety best practices in place.

This is a FANTASTIC opportunity to learn about civil engineering underground – essentially the integration of geotechnical, structural and construction engineering. The conference program includes lots of presentations on current and recently completed underground projects including road, rail, transit, and water tunnels, urban excavations and space for everything underground. This sector of infrastructure engineering is growing rapidly. The conference will be littered with companies looking to hire full time employees and interns.

Learn more and apply for the attendance scholarships at ucascholarships.secure-platform.com/a

Learn more about the conference at: http://www.natconference.com/

Watch this 5 min video to learn about civil engineering underground (www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBgvBEtzQq4)

2022 Graduate Climate Conference Held at the UW Pack Forest Conference Center

Hello CEE Grad Students,

Given the importance of climate change research, and the relevance of this topic to many CEE research projects, CEE will contribute funding for the 2022 Graduate Climate Conference to be held at the UW Pack Forest Conference Center. We encourage graduate students working in the broad area of climate change to participate in this conference, which is organized by graduate students for graduate students.

Planning is underway for the sixteenth annual Graduate Climate Conference (GCC), which is scheduled as an in-person conference for the weekend of October 28 – 30, 2022 at the University of Washington Pack Forest Conference Center. The GCC is a conference in which graduate students organize speakers and presentations for graduate students, facilitating interdisciplinary research-related discussions between our peers. Since its inception in 2006, the GCC has steadily grown to reach a broad scope, with participants from the 2021 GCC representing 60 U.S. and international institutions. This is a unique opportunity for graduate students to present and share research on climate-related topics and an excellent way for UW students to gain experience as organizers and leaders while promoting our university within the greater climate change science community.

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WiSE Conference 2022 (Sat, 2/26/22) – Register Now!

Hello CEE Students,

Registration is now open for the 31st Annual WiSE Conference (Sat, Feb 26, 2022)!

Please take a look at the details below and if you would like to attend, the CEE Department will pay your registration fee!

To register for the WiSE Conference, please respond to the email that you received with your Name, UW ID number, and your program of study.

Greetings Engineering Advising Colleagues,

Registration is now open for the 31st Annual Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) Conference.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

9:00am – 1:30pm

HUB – Seattle Campus

On-Site / In-Person

Workshops and presentations will be offered all morning that speak to the educational and career opportunities within engineering and the sciences. We encourage our women STEM scholars at all levels to attend. There are great opportunities to network and explore opportunities.

  • Attendees are able to Engage in conversation and Explore the Opportunities and Pathways in STEM
  • Connect and network with our academic and industry sponsors

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Seminar this Thursday, Jan 13, 3:30, Jessica Lundquist on Time Management

Hello Everyone!

You are all invited to the first of the Winter quarter seminar series, tomorrow, Thursday, January 13 at 3:30, either live (with masks and social distancing) in Lowe Hall 101, or via Zoom:


I will be talking about Time Management in the 2020s.

The whole line up is here:


See you there!

Winter Quarter Seminar Series to Start Thursday, Jan 12


Happy New Year!  We will not be having a seminar this week but will start off the winter quarter series next week on January 12th, with me talking about time management in the 2020s (which is definitely more of a challenge than in any other decade I’ve lived through so far).  After that, we will have more faculty telling their life stories, and you can see the line up at the link below.  Mark your calendars for Thursdays at 3:30.


And special thank you to Amanda Manaster for keeping the website up to date.

ASCE – HNTB Lunch & Learn (Tuesday, November 9th)

Hello Everyone!

We’ll have our Lunch & Learn with HNTB next Tuesday, November 9th, from 12:30 to 1:30 pm! Please join us to learn about interdisciplinary projects and hear from practicing structural engineers. Food will be provided via grab-and-go after the event.

HNTB is looking to fill interns and recent grad positions with UW students; they’ll be accepting resumes during the event. Alternatively, you can upload your resume in the RSVP form.

RSVP: https://forms.gle/PbG28jnz2Q9YQUmC9

Reminder: Pactrans 2021 Student Conference

Hi All,

This is a reminder that the 2021 Pactrans Student Conference will be held virtually next week on monday and tuesday.  The full agenda for the conference is included here.  Please register for this amazing event at the link here.  There is also a student poster competition with cash prizes so if you have a cool project that you’d like to present, this is a great platform.  More details are attached here.

2021 PacTrans Student Conference Agenda

Day 1 – Monday, November 8th

9:00 am – Opening Ceremony

9:15 am – Damian Casados Coral Sales Co.

9:45 am – Jake Wagner Washington State University

10:20 am – Riannon Zender J.U.B Engineering

10:50 am – Tim Graciano Convoy Inc.

11:20 am – Closing Remarks


Day 2 – Tuesday, November 9th

9:00 am – Opening Introduction

9:15 am – Cadell Chand Fehr & Peers

9:45 am – Avipsa Roy University of California Irvine

10:15 am – Poster Competition

11:15 am – Award Ceremony & Closing Remarks

CEE Faculty Presentation – Faisal Hossain to speak today (Th, 10/28 @ 3:30pm)

Hello CEE Students,

Just a reminder, CEE’s own Dr. Faisal Hossain will be presenting today at 3:30pm in More 230 or over zoom at https://washington.zoom.us/j/96665627877.

Dr. Hossain is a dynamic and engaging speaker and I highly recommend that you try to attend if it works with your schedule.

Please see the abstract below.


See you there!

Let’s Tell Our Stories
I’ve always enjoyed interacting with students as part of my day job as a faculty in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Washington. But what I have enjoyed even more was my night job, where I continue to moonlight as a struggling film-maker to tell stories. While that alternate path didn’t pay my bills (which is why I still show up to work for my day job), I have always found storytelling a very cathartic experience that kept my sanity. In this talk, I will make the case of why telling stories should be an important part of one’s career development as it helps both the story teller as well as the audience in many ways. I will make the case why we should talk, write and document more openly our failures rather than focus only on our accomplishments as we normally do today. Next, I will introduce the UW Student film-making contest for STEM students on campus. A small sample of student-made short films will be showcased to prove that any good story teller can become a great film-maker with little effort. All that is needed is a genuine story coming from the heart that the rest of us can learn from