Summer Quarter Introduction to Business Courses for Non Business Majors

Hello Students,

Summer registration opens on April 11th, and students can sign up for either/both of the hybrid intro to business courses below:

ESRM 320 (SLN 11465, Summer Quarter Term A), Marketing and Management From a Sustainability Perspective:

This course has NO prerequisites and gives NW and I&S credit (course website is at It explores two of the four primary business foundations, marketing and management. Learning objectives include:

  • Explain marketing, management, corporate social responsibility, and sustainability.
  • Describe how markets are segmented, targeted, and products positioned to satisfy consumers’ needs and wants.
  • Compare techniques for creating value-added products; valuing environmental and social externalities and managing traditional pricing; developing distribution strategies and “greening” the supply chain; and creating and implementing promotion campaigns.
  • Define managerial and leadership styles and theories of motivation.
  • Summarize the human resource process of recruiting, interviewing, hiring, training, motivating, and evaluating employees.

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Spots Still Available in ESRM190 Digital Earth

Hi CEE Undergrads,

If you’re looking to fill a slot in your SPR22 schedule, there are still spots available in ESRM 190! More details below:

There are still open spots for undergraduate students in ESRM190 Digital Earth –

The Tuesday & Thursday lectures and labs are on-line recorded for asynchronous learning. There are no course requirements to enroll in the course. The course is: 5 credits = 2 lecture credits + 3 lab credits. This course does not have a traditional exam.  This course serves as an alternative pathway to introduce a diverse group of students to Geospatial Sciences through addressing large scale problems by using big data from global to local levels across a full spectrum of environmental applications. The knowledge and skills developed in this course can be taken and applied to many fields.

The objectives of this class are:

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CEE 420 will be offered next year in SPR23!

Hello CEE Majors,

We wanted to let you know that CEE 420: Engineering with Developing Communities will now be offered next year in Spring 2023!

The 22-23 CEE projected course list is now up so you can use it to start planning your next academic year’s CEE courses.

If you are a Junior that was hoping to get into CEE 420 in SPR22 (but aren’t registered yet), please plan to take it in SPR23 as the course is already overloaded.

SPR22 – GWSS Special topics courses – I&S/DIV


The department of Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies has a number of I&S/DIV courses in SPR22 that may be of interest.

These courses are open to all students and do not have prerequisites.

GWSS 290A: Special Topics in Women Studies: Black Foodways

Course description: While there is scholarly work that focuses on food justice issues, this course attends to those materials that are specifically engaging with discourses of race, gender and sexuality—that center the experiences of Black women and queer people, and that frame their work using Black feminist theories and methods. What Black feminist strategies re-organize the food geographies of our environment? How can the tools and frameworks of Black feminism help us interact with food differently? With restaurants? With grocery stores? With the land? How can mapping Black foodways change our experiences of the city we reside in? This course will examine the origins and practices of Black foodways in the United States using texts through academic and nonacademic writers. We will critically interrogate food as a sociocultural medium and a signifier of personal identity while exploring the often overlooked contributions of Black people to the current American culinary landscape.

Instructor: Keila Taylor


M/W 1:30-3:20

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CEE 378 required in SPR22 for students interested in structures

CEE Juniors (Rising Seniors) –

We’ve received a number of questions recently about CEE 378: Structural Analysis in SPR22.

As stated on the structures senior year planning page, CEE 378 is essential for students interested in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering and should be taken during spring quarter of your Junior Year. CEE 378 will also be a prerequisite for the SPR22 Structures/Geotech Capstone. CEE 378 will also count toward your Structures Area Technical Elective requirement.

Please see Professor Berman’s note about the course and how it relates to Structures & Geotechnical Engineering and the associated capstone:

CEE 378 is both an introduction to structural analysis concepts used to determine forces in statically indeterminate structures and is an introduction to lateral loads (earthquakes and wind) and lateral load resisting systems. So, the class will be VERY helpful for all senior year classes. The class is of practical importance as during the capstone, structural and geotechnical engineering students will design a structure and its foundation. This requires an understanding of the concepts covered in CEE 378. Taking 378 and the capstone concurrently will not be sufficient and will make the capstone a struggle. The class is of fundamental importance as it focuses on developing a deep understanding of how structures (i.e. things that carry load such as buildings, aircraft, machinery) behave, and the extension to statically indeterminate structures is a significant added value beyond earlier courses you have taken. The topics covered in the class are very powerful, and by the end of the class you will be able to analyze complex structures, calculate earthquake and wind loads, and have a background in the systems and their design used to resist those lateral forces. We are currently working on making CEE 378 a prerequisite for the structures/geotech capstone but for now it is very strongly recommended.

Please let us know if you have any questions and if you are considering it, CEE 378: Structural Analysis in SPR22 will be a great class to take.

URBDP 480 “Planning as a Profession” Spring Quarter 2022!

Planning as a Profession

Spring 2022

URBDP 480A | SLN 21159

Meet and interact with professionals planners from the public, private, and non-profit sectors. Hear firsthand about the experiences of post graduation, current projects, and lessons learned in the process. Learn about skills needed for each representative field of planning while exploring possible career paths.

For more information please contact E. David Blum, AICP at

SPR22 CEE Capstone Preview – Q&A Session on Th, 2/3

Hello CEE Majors –

The SPR22 time schedule is now live (Period I registration starts on Fri, Feb 11) so we wanted to provide you with some information about the CEE Capstones.

Each capstone provides students with the opportunity to participate in a group design project in an area of their choosing. The capstone projects are designed to simulate an engineering project you could experience in your area of emphasis.

We’ve outlined the SPR22 CEE capstone options below and each instructor has provided a statement providing some information on what to expect from their capstone projects (attached). Professor Hossain has also recorded a video overview of his CEE 444: Hydrology Capstone here.

Please note that the instructor statements are general and the exact project details may change between now and spring quarter.

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SPR22 Economics Requirement: INDE 250 vs. ECON 200

Hello Civil Engineering Majors –

It has been brought to our attention that the only offering of INDE 250: Fundamentals of Engineering Economy in SPR22 directly conflicts with our SPR22 CEE Capstones.

Because of this conflict, we will be approving SPR22’s ECON 200: Introduction to Microeconomics to replace INDE 250 for graduating seniors (SPR22 or SUM22 Graduates), allowing ECON 200 to satisfy both the BSCE economics requirement AND the BSCE additional engineering fundamentals requirement.

Once you have registered for ECON 200 in SPR22, you will need to email to let us know that you intend to use ECON 200 in place of INDE 250 for SPR22.

Thank you all for notifying us about this conflict and please let us know if you have any questions.