All CEE Majors: CEE Senior Year Planning w/worksheets

Hello CEE Majors –

It’s never too early to start planning for your senior year and your CEE 4XX coursework. In fact, planning your Technical Electives and Engineering & Science Electives will shed some light on your sophomore/junior plan as well.

(The BSCE/BSENVE sophomore and junior years are similar for most students so please use the BSCE/BSENVE degree sheets to help with your planning and course sequencing.)

The BSCE/BSENVE senior year, on the other hand, gives you almost complete control of the courses you take and the process outlined in the attachment can help you decide how to satisfy your Technical Elective and Engineering & Science Elective requirements.

Attached to this email you will find 3 documents to help with your planning:

  1. BSCE-BSENVE Senior Year Planning Process
  2. BSCE Senior Planning Worksheet
  3. BSENVE Senior Planning Worksheet

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CESI 599 Now Open to Undergrads

Hi CEE Students,

We are writing to let you know about an opportunity to take a graduate level construction course this quarter – see details below!


Class: CESI 599 – Bridge Construction

Instructor: Julian Yamaura

Day/time: TTh 10:00-11:20

Credits: 3


This class will count as a construction area technical elective for BSCE students.

A course syllabus and schedule are attached.

If you would like to register for this course, please email or submit an add code request at

New Courses Added for Winter 2022!

Hello CEE Students,

CEE is excited to offer two additional courses this Winter, both of which have some focus on Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion topics.

CEE 498 A: Engineering, Environment, and Justice. MW 5:00-6:20, remote teaching, 3 credits. Taught by Dr. Khalid Kadir from UC Berkeley.

CEE 498 C/CEWA 599 D/CEWA 599 E: Civil and Environmental Engineering for Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (CEE for JEDI). T 3:30-5:20, in person teaching, 2 credits. Taught by CEE professor Julian Marshall.

BSCE Undergraduates: Both classes can count as non-area specific technical electives or as E&S electives.

BSENVE Undergraduates: Both classes can count as E&S electives.

The classes are open to both graduates and undergraduates. Grad students who want to register for Dr. Kadir’s class should submit add code requests.


Please see the attached flyer for more information and course descriptions.


[CEE Undergrads] CEE 457 Registration in WIN22

Hi CEE Students,

We’ve had a few questions about the prerequisite course for CEE 457: Advanced Structures.

Currently, the prerequisite is listed as CEE 456. This is the same course as CEE 378, we have just updated the course number. If you have taken CEE 378, you have completed the prerequisites for Advanced Structures.

We still need to update the course catalog to reflect this, so if you have any issues registering for CEE 457 due to the prerequisite change, please submit an add code request at

Happy registration!

Check Out CEE 453/CESG 522 for WIN22

Professor John Stanton is teaching CEE 453: Prestressed Concrete Design (SLN 11959) this winter. This course is also offered at the graduate level as CESG 522: Analysis and Design of Prestressed Concrete (SLN 11974). If you’re a senior interested in taking this class, and have completed the CEE 452 prereq, sign up for either the undergraduate or graduate section.
Undergrads may apply up to 6 credits of graduate level coursework to a Master’s degree as long as they are not also using those credits toward their undergrad degree. If you are looking to apply to the UW Master’s program in structural engineering, this may be an option worth considering.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss this option with an adviser, feel free to send us an email or schedule an advising appointment.

New Course Added for Winter 2022: CEE 401

Hi CEE undergrads,

CEE 401: Pavement Design For Roads (SLN 21892) has been added to the Winter 2022 time schedule. 

It will be taught remotely and largely asynchronously by Professor Joe Mahoney.

There are 20 spots available for CEE seniors. This is a 1 credit class that will count toward your tech elective requirement or, if your tech electives are complete, your upper division engineering & science requirement.

Please email with any questions.

Fall 2021: Interdisciplinary Frameworks for Health, Ecology, and the Built Environment.

Dear CEE students:

Please see  flyer below for information on the autumn 2021 seminar titled Interdisciplinary Frameworks for Health, Ecology, and the Built Environment. the seminar is 1 credit, open to undergraduate and graduate students from any discipline, and hosted by the Depts. of Landscape Architecture and Global Health. Continue reading

Landscape Architecture Special Topics Courses this Fall 2021

Two classes this autumn that may be of interest.

AUT 2021: L ARCH 498C / GH 490/590– Interdisciplinary Frameworks for Health, Ecology and the Built Environment

Autumn 2021 | Thursdays 4:30 – 5:50 p.m. | Gould 208J
1 credit | SLN: 23703
Instructors: Coco AlarcÓn, Rebecca Bachman

What is the built environment? What is ecology? What is public health? What frameworks stem from these fields, and how have they been integrated to take a critical, holistic approach to complex problems facing our world? This seminar explores frameworks stemming from disciplines of the built environment, ecology, and public health/global health and the ways that they have been integrated throughout history. Students are familiarized with practical applications of interdisciplinary frameworks through exposure to current projects of researchers and professionals.

AUT 2021: L ARCH 498A – Therapeutic Design for Human Health: An Interdisciplinary Seminar Continue reading

Geotech Courses: Grad Level Courses Available to CEE Undergrads

Hello CEE Majors –

The Geotechnical Engineering group has a number of graduate level courses available to undergraduate students in their Senior year.

The attached spreadsheet indicates all of the geotech graduate level offerings along with their prerequisites.

If you are interested in taking any of these classes, you will need to:

  1. Refer to the prerequisite/availability instructions on the spreadsheet.
  2. Submit an add code request (indicating that you have received instructor permission if necessary):
  3. Connect with your CEE Advising Team to discuss options for having graduate level coursework count toward your bachelors degree (It will not happen automatically)

If you have any questions, please let us know. Continue reading