[Reminder] Pactrans Doctoral Webinar Next Monday at 10:00 AM

Hi All,

This is a reminder that the Pactrans Doctoral Webinar Series has a talk by UW grad Fiete Krutein scheduled for next Monday, December 12th at 10:00 AM. Fiete will be discussing his work on optimization modeling for evacuations of isolated communities. A flyer with more details about the talk and speaker is included below. To register for this webinar click here. Thanks and I look forward to seeing you on Monday!

CEE’s Work from Campus Day! | Snacks and Drinks Galore | Thursday, December 8th, 2022

Dear CEE friends,

Come join us for our second “Work from Campus” event this Thursday! These Work from Campus days are meant to help CEE members meet each other and build community after a hectic hybrid past couple of years. Join us for some tasty snacks, coffee, and tea in a very low-stakes, come-and-go-as-you-please environment.

Members of the Graduate Student Advisory Board will be hosting (with the department (once again) kindly footing the bill 😊), and ALL members of our community are encouraged to attend. Stop by More 110 between 9 AM ‑ 12:30 PM to pick up some goodies while they last. Feel free to hang around to chat and snack or take your goodies back to your study/work area.

We encourage you to come along with your thermos/cup/mug for beverages and a container for your snacks as we strive to cut down on our single-use waste. There might be a favorite thermos/cup/mug contest, so make sure to bring your A game…

Can’t wait to see y’all there!!  Continue reading

CEE 500 Seminar (12/8, Bagley, 154: 3:30): Prof DiBenedetto (UW-ME)

Dear CEE Community,

Please come join us to hear from Prof Michelle DiBenedetto (UW, Mechanical Engineering) on the importance of surface waves in predicting the transport and distribution of microplastics in the ocean. You can find more about Prof DiBenedetto’s research here:  https://www.michellediben.com. Prof DiBenedetto will also talk about her career path from environmental and civil engineering majors to a faculty position in mechanical engineering.

When/Where: Thursday (12/8): 3:30 Bagley Hall 154 (or on Zoom: http://depts.washington.edu/watersem/)

Microplastics at the ocean surface: waves, turbulence, and particles

Michelle DiBenedetto

Plastic pollution poses a critical threat to the world’s oceans, but critical gaps in knowledge surrounding plastic fate and transport impede remediation and prevention efforts. Much of the plastic in the ocean exists as microplastics. Predicting the behavior of microplastics is non-trivial for two primary reasons: their physical properties (size and density) are fundamentally different from traditionally studied environmental particles like sediment and bubbles, and complex interactions among waves, turbulence, and particle inertia in the ocean surface boundary layer (where most microplastics reside) are not well-understood, especially for buoyant particles such as microplastics. In this Continue reading

[Limited spots available] Sign Up for a Chance to Join this Month’s Free Lunch with the Chair!

Dear CEE Undergrads, Grads and Postdocs,

This month’s Lunch with the Chair will be on 12:30–1:30 PM on Thursday, December 8th!

Fill out the form below for a chance to join CEE Chair Bart Nijssen, a guest faculty member, and fellow students from CEE to get to know each other and build community. Selected participants will be contacted early next week with details on location and lunch selections.

Limited spots are available, so please sign up by 3:30 PM Pacific, Thursday, December 1st.

December 1st APWA Resume and Career Night

Good morning everyone,

Tomorrow (Thursday, December 1st) from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm on Zoom, APWA will host a resume review night including a general overview of tips and then one-on-one sessions with industry professionals to review resumes and learn more about current opportunities. We have 10 professionals across many fields including construction, design, utility management, and various others engaged in public works. If you don’t have a resume you can use this time to connect with these professionals for career advice and get tips for what to put on your resume.

Make sure to fill out this link  (tinyurl.com/APWAResumeNight) as soon as possible to receive the meeting link which we will distribute tomorrow morning. Looking forward to seeing you there! Continue reading

Final Reminder: CEE Town Hall Today 4pm

Dear CEE students, staff, postdocs and faculty,

The CEE Town Hall is today on Zoom (details below) from 4:00 – 5:00. For extra promotional incentive, come get free donuts and coffee in the entrance area to More Hall today!

We’re continually working to make CEE into as welcoming and inclusive a community as we can. As part of this effort, we have been holding a Town Hall every quarter for the last two and a half years. The Town Hall is your opportunity to let the department know how things are going, provide suggestions for change and also hear about the actions the department is taking. Please join us!

Please note that only authenticated UW users can join the Zoom meeting. When joining the meeting, please make sure you are logged in with your UW NetID and password. Please also note that the Town Hall will be recorded. 

CEE DEI Town Hall – November 30, 4-5PM

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 939 9330 5634

[Reminder] CEE Town Hall Zoom Event 11/30 (4:00pm – 5:00pm)

Dear CEE Community,

This is a reminder that the Town Hall is this Wednesday 12/30 from 4:00 – 5:00 on Zoom. Details and zoom link are below. Please join us!

We’re continually working to make CEE into as welcoming and inclusive a community as we can. As part of this effort, we have been holding a Town Hall every quarter for the last two and a half years. The Town Hall is your opportunity to let the department know how things are going, provide suggestions for change and also hear about the actions the department is taking. Please join us!

Please note that only authenticated UW users can join the Zoom meeting. When joining the meeting, please make sure you are logged in with your UW NetID and password. Please also note that the Town Hall will be recorded. 

CEE DEI Town Hall – November 30, 4-5PM

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 939 9330 5634

Save-the-Date! 2023 Steve and Sylvia Burges Endowed Lecture – Professor Dawn Lehman

Dear CEE Community:

Please save-the-date for the 2023 Steve and Sylvia Burges Endowed Lecture confirmed on Thursday, February 23 at 3;30pm. The lecture will be held in Alder Hall Auditorium, followed by a reception in Alder Hall Commons. This year’s speaker is Dawn Lehman, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Washington. Additional details on Professor Lehman’s lecture are forthcoming.

Add this event to your calendar here!

CEE 500 Seminar, Dr. Fuhrmeister (12/1, 3:30pm)

Dear CEE Community,

Please come join us this Thursday to hear from one of our new professors, Dr. Erica Fuhrmeister, on her work in antibiotic resistance.

When/Where: Thursday 12/1 (3:30); Bagley Hall 154, and on zoom: http://depts.washington.edu/watersem/

Abstract: Using Metagenomic Sequencing to Surveil for Antimicrobial Resistance on a Global Scale 

Antibiotic resistance is a pressing public health problem, with the highest burden in low-resource settings. In this talk, I will discuss two projects using metagenomic sequencing to understand the burden of antibiotic resistance in different settings. In the first, I will share the results of our analysis on the association between antibiotic resistance gene abundance in human guts and access to improved water and sanitation in 26 countries. In the second, I will present ongoing work in our lab to surveil for antibiotic resistance gene alleles in wastewater. Continue reading

Design Review Invitation – UW Concrete Canoe (12/06, 6-7pm on Zoom)


The University of Washington Concrete Canoe Team would like to invite you to our annual Design Review on December 6th from 6-7 pm PST on Zoom (Meeting ID: 922 6374 1061). We will be delivering a presentation about this year’s canoe design as well as our competition plan. After our presentation, we’ll open up breakout rooms for more in-depth discussions with each of our subteams. We greatly value feedback from our supporting community and we hope to see you there! We will record the session, so if you won’t be able to make it, we can send out

Please RSVP using this link, and let us know if you have any questions or comments.