James Hardie Info Session on Nov 3

Hello Engineering Students!

We are excited to host James Hardie’s first recruiting visit – and you are invited!

Info Session: Nov 3 @ 5:30pm in 207 Anderson Hall (light dinner will be served + a fun raffle!)

Interviews: Nov 4 (on campus)

To apply and/or RSVP for the info session, please fill out this form. Resumes submitted by 10/31 will be pre-screened. Applicants after 10/31 can request an interview at the info session: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=W9229i_wGkSZoBYqxQYL0uwnGTm1ZkxPqgT5VtzbujhURU41VDZESzc3MTBYNVE1MUxUNVhKOFlZNi4u [forms.office.com]

This form will close Nov 3 @ noon.

Contact me <wppf@uw.edu> if you have questions. Hope to see many of you next Thursday!

Graham Construction Information Session on Friday, 10/28 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. PIZZA!

Hi all,

Graham Construction is coming to our department to host an information session this Friday (after my CEE 307 class). They want to tell you about the internships and full-time positions they have available and what their construction engineers do. EVERYONE is invited. Kick off your weekend with free pizza and an internship opportunity!

What: Graham Construction information session

When: Friday, 28 October 2022, 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Where: More Hall, room 225

Why: Get information on internships and jobs. They have LOTS to offer!

Food: Pizza will be provided (for free…of course)

See more of Graham: You are invited to the CEE 307 class on Friday 10/28 from 1:30 – 3:20 p.m. in Smith 211 (Graham will talk about their cool jobs and how they build things) Continue reading

Undergraduate Internship Opportunity (Info Session on Th, 10/27)

Good Afternoon

I just wanted to reach out partially to say, “Hi” and because the King County Solid Waste Division is hiring an Undergraduate Engineering Intern. Here is the job description [governmentjobs.com]. There is also an information session (details are in the job description) on Thursday, October 27 from 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm, which will allow students to learn more about the position and ask questions.

Environmental Public Health Graduate Degrees Information Session, Oct 20th

Environmental Public Health Graduate Degrees Information Session
Thursday, Oct. 20 from 4-5PM via Zoom
The Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences (DEOHS) with the School of Public Health at the University of Washington investigates how environmental and workplace factors affect people’s health. Our faculty and students work across disciplines, sectors and borders to address some of today’s most urgent health challenges—from preventing on-the-job injuries and illnesses to investigating the health impacts of air pollution and climate change. Students and faculty in DEOHS are also actively engaged in COVID-19 research and service activities to help protect workers and build resilient communities during the global pandemic.

Our department offers four graduate degree options. Students in the MS, MS Applied and PhD degree programs then choose from one of six “areas of emphasis.” These optional learning tracks allow you to gain specialized disciplinary training—or you can create your own customized degree pathway.

Upcoming Graduate Degrees Information Session 

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NOAA Corps Info Session Tuesday, 10/18 4:30 PM, FSH 207


NOAA Corps Info Session 

When: Tuesday, 10/18/2022, 4:30 ~ 5:30 PM

Where: Fishery Sciences Room FSH 207 (map)

Web post to share: https://marinebiology.uw.edu/news-stories/2022/10/12/noaa-corps-information-session-for-students/

Calendar event: https://marinebiology.uw.edu/news-stories/events-calendar/?trumbaEmbed=view%3Devent%26eventid%3D162828155

Joining us on 18 October at 4.30pm will be representatives from NOAA Corps, providing an information session for UW undergraduates, taking place in the Fishery Sciences Building, Room 207.

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Friday Harbor Labs Info Sessions – 10/19 & 10/20 in FSH 207

Hello UW Students!
I’ll be visiting UW campus for general information sessions about taking courses at Friday Harbor Laboratories onWednesday, October 19th at 3:30pm AND Thursday, October 20th at 11:30am and 2:00pm in FSH 207! RSVP via this form is requested but not required to attend [docs.google.com]. If you can’t make the session, you can also fill out the form to have me contact you at a later date.
If you aren’t familiar with FHL, we are UW’s satellite marine research station located in the San Juan Islands. We host courses in autumn, summer, and spring quarter. All of our courses emphasize field research and “getting your hands dirty” as a major component of the coursework.
For spring quarter we will offer:
  • Spring Marine Studies – 7 courses to choose from for 12-18 credits, including Marine Mammals of the Salish Sea (yes, you get to observe orcas in the wild), Indigenous History and Environment of the Salish Sea (DIV credit), Science Writing (W credit), Natural History of the Salish Sea, and Introductory Biology (BIOL 180 in a class of ~20 students instead of 500!).
  • Zoology Botany Program – Earn 16 credits towards your degree learning the fundamentals in Zoology and Botany while conducting your own research project! Earn Integrative Field Experience credit for MarBio majors.
Please pass along to anyone you think may be interested and direct all questions to me. See you then!

INFO: 10/17 Boeing EAHI Info Session


On Mon 10/17, undergraduate Engineering students are invited to learn more about Boeing and the “Engineering Accelerated Hiring Initiative” (EAHI) program, for which UW is one of the key schools. Applications for both summer internships & entry-level positions will be accepted through October 18, with interviews & selection completed by the end of that same week.

See the event attachment for the respective application QR codes. RSVP via the Handshake event: https://uw.joinhandshake.com/edu/events/1138097 [uw.joinhandshake.com]

$100 gift card giveaway | Share your input on the 2023-27 Strategic Plan

Hi All,

The UW Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering is in the process of developing its new strategic plan, which will inform our shared priorities and strategies for research, teaching, culture, and more for the next five years.

Ultimately, we endeavor to create a strategic plan that strengthens the student experience—and that means your feedback is critical. We hope you will consider taking 15 – 20 minutes this week to complete the strategic planning survey and share your unique perspective with us.

When you fill out the survey, you’ll be automatically entered to win a $100 giveaway for a gift card to a local business of your choosing. 

Take the UW CEE Student Survey [surveymonkey.com]  Continue reading