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Research Opportunity for Undergraduates

See below for more information about a paid research study:

Paid Research Volunteers Wanted

If you are 18-25 and a full-time undergraduate student, you may be eligible to participate in a research study

Researchers in the University of Oregon’s Counseling Psychology and Human Services Department are conducting a study to better understand how brief mindfulness-based interventions may enhance the well-being of college students. This study will be conducted remotely.

Compensation includes:

  • Entry into a drawing for one of two $100 electronic gift cards for completing the screening survey
  • An additional $20 electronic gift card for eligible students who participate in the study session and complete all assessments

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Invitation for UGs to REU-Summer internships at Stanford

Are you looking for a summer undergraduate research opportunity in the Earth and environmental sciences? Stanford University’s School of Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences is looking for undergraduate sciences students to apply to SURGE (Summer Undergraduate Research in Geosciences and Engineering). SURGE gives students outside of Stanford the opportunity to work on earth, environmental sciences, and energy resource engineering research projects with a Stanford faculty for eight weeks during the summer—from June 20, 2022 to August 12, 2022. We encourage students who are seeking their first formal research experience to apply.


The areas of study offered through Stanford SURGE touch on a variety of disciplines, including geochemistry, geophysics, Earth systems, and energy resource engineering. We also encourage majors in chemistry, math, computer sciences, engineering, and biology who are interested in the Earth and environmental sciences.


Students receive room & board on Stanford’s campus, a $4,800 stipend, and a seven-week statistical thinking course, which amounts to approximately a $12,000 package. In addition to working closely with Stanford faculty and PhD students in a Stanford lab, students also present their research in front of the Stanford community at the SURGE research symposium, taking place in the last week of the program.


This information and more can be found on our website: https://earth.stanford.edu/dei/surge. Applications will go live on November 29, 2021 on our website and are due on February 4th, 2022. Feel free to email Isabel Carrera Zamanillo at micz@stanford.edu if you have any questions. Hope to see your application!

Research/Fellowship Opportunities for Grad Students

  • Boeing Graduate Researcher Program (GRP): Recruiting for summer 2022. Boeing Research & Technology is Boeing’s global research and development team creating and implementing innovative technologies that make the impossible possible and enabling the future of aerospace. Available positions include aerodynamics, artificial intelligence, manufacturing systems and simulation, materials & chemical engineering, quantum technology. RFP here.
  • National Center for Atmospheric Research Postdoctoral Fellowships: Postdoctoral fellowships provides fellows considerable freedom to pursue their own research interests. Most fellows develop research projects in collaboration with NCAR scientists and engineers, but all are expected to choose their own research directions and are responsible for the design and conduct of their own projects. NCAR’s mission is to understand the behavior of the atmosphere and related Earth and geospace systems, and there are also opportunities for projects in computational science, data science, social science, and engineering. RFP here.

Reminder/Save the Date: CEE Welcome Event! (Next Wed, Oct 6th, 5pm, HUB N Ballroom)

Hello CEE Majors –

We wanted to remind you about our CEE Welcome Event next Wednesday, Oct 6th, at 5pm in the HUB North Ballroom.

This event will allow CEE students an opportunity to learn more about the department, meet CEE Faculty, Staff and other CEE majors, and see all of the great opportunities available to them in CEE!

All CEE majors (BSCE/BSENVE) are invited and we hope to see you there!

CEE Welcome Event (Wed, Oct 6th, 5pm – HUB North Ballroom)

All CEE Majors are invited to attend!

2021 CEE Welcome and Orientation

(10/6), 5-7pm, HUB North Ballroom

4:45 PM Student Check-In Begins
5:00-5:30 PM Program/Presentation: Welcome to CEE
5:30 -6:30 PM CEE Activities Fair (email ceadvice@uw.edu if your RSO or activity would like to have a table)
6:30-7:00 PM Social Hour

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Tour the Sound Transit L200 Link Light Rail Project (Friday, October 29th)


The Beavers Charitable Trust (my professorship’s sponsor) is hosting a tour of the Sound Transit L200 project – part of the Lynnwood Link Extension for our light rail. This project is an $850 million rail project that extends from Northgate Station to North 200th Street in Shoreline. It includes 2 miles of aerial guideway over four bridges, three miles of at-grade guideway, two stations, and two parking garages. It is scheduled to open to service in 2024.

You get a chance to tour this project on October 29th. 

What: Tour of Sound Transit’s Lynnwood Link Light Rail Extension L200

When: Friday, October 29th from 7:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Where: Meet on campus – we will take a luxury motorcoach to/from the job

Sign up herehttps://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0c44aca72dabfb6-lynnwood

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UW Sustainable Transportation Innovation Challenge – Closes 10/1!

Summer 2021 Undergraduate Research Assistant position in SAFS

The School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences (SAFS) is hiring an Undergraduate Research Assistant for duties in Summer Quarter 2021. 

  • POSITION: Undergraduate Research Assistant (UGRA)
  • QUARTER: Summer 2021 (June – September)
  • COMPENSATION: $17.50/hour, 24-26 hours/week
  • SUPERVISOR: Prof. Andre Punt
  • LOCATION: Remote

To Express an Interest:  Please contact Prof. André Punt (aepunt@uw.edu) with a cover letter, an academic transcript and CV.

Deadline to Apply: Friday June 11. Priority consideration given to applications received by this date. Applications will be accepted after this date if the position remains unfilled.

Learn more about the position below.

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Recruiting for HCDE537 Project: Fred Hutch Research

A group of undergraduates at the University of Washington in the Human Centered Design and Engineering Department working with Fred Hutch for their HCDE 537 project to redesign the Fred Hutch Cool for Your Life website is seeking participants to test their website prototype for those that are touched by Cancer.

The usability testing sessions will include: running through their prototype and sharing your thoughts on the design. This will determine the direction of their designs and recommendations!

If you are interested in helping, please fill this screener survey out. This survey will help determine your compatibility with the study’s intended user group, and participants will be contacted accordingly. All personal information will remain confidential. If you are selected to participate, they will follow up with you and send a calendar invite.

The usability tests will take place via Zoom in 15-minute slots between May 27th to May 31st. If you’re selected to participate and complete the 15-min session, they will send you $15!

Summer Research Opportunity

UW Professor David Butman has a summer research position available. Here’s some general information:

  • Job description – Field Assistant (Hourly) Department: School of Environmental and Forest Sciences
  • Duration: June 14th to August 31st – can be extended
  • Salary: $18/hour – full time is expected throughout the summer

Work hours:

The Field Assistant will be expected to work full days in coordination with field preparation and sampling needs. Field campaigns of 3-4 days at a time will be needed up to 3 times throughout the employment period. All field campaigns will include travel, food, and lodging costs that will be fully covered. Tentative dates include July 8-12th, August 10-15th, with smaller field needs throughout. The Field Assistant must be flexible with their time as needed.

COVID-19 Protocols and Safety Measures:

We will be working under an approved Health and Safety Plan, which will outline protocols and procedures for the field season, and which adheres to all guidelines and best practices for COVID-19. There will be flexibility in the field season timeline to accommodate any changes as we received new requirements from the state of Washington and the University of Washington guidelines and best practices for COVID-19. There will be flexibility in the field season timeline to accommodate any changes.

To Apply:

Send a Resume and 1pg Cover Letter explaining why you are interested in this opportunity to dbutman@uw.edu. Please provide contact information for yourself and two references. Apply before May 8th.

Learn more about this opportunity by continuing to read.

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