UW Human Powered Submarine Recruitment

Human Powered Submarine team is currently welcoming new members for the 2022-2023 school year!

We are an engineering based RSO that designs, builds, and competes with a fully flooded human powered submarine. We love welcoming students of all majors to our club. In the past we have had Oceanography majors on our Dive and Safety Teams.

We would love to see what you can do! If interested apply at our website uwhps.com [uwhps.com] or come to our first general meeting, Oct 5 in MEB ___. If you have any questions please email at uwhpsub@gmail.com and we would be happy to answer them.

Zoe Long (They/Them, She/Her)

UWHPS Admin Director

$100 gift card giveaway | Share your input on the 2023-27 Strategic Plan

Hi All,

The UW Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering is in the process of developing its new strategic plan, which will inform our shared priorities and strategies for research, teaching, culture, and more for the next five years.

Ultimately, we endeavor to create a strategic plan that strengthens the student experience—and that means your feedback is critical. We hope you will consider taking 15 – 20 minutes this week to complete the strategic planning survey and share your unique perspective with us.

When you fill out the survey, you’ll be automatically entered to win a $100 giveaway for a gift card to a local business of your choosing. 

Take the UW CEE Student Survey [surveymonkey.com]  Continue reading

Tool Training – Sign up in More, room 33

Tool training signup sheet is now on the door of room 33, in the basement of More Hall. Please note that there’s a limit of 25 people in each session, Sat. 10/8 at 11:30 and Sun 10/9 at 11:00.

Please sign up early to reserve your place.


There’ll be shop tool training (Tool Training 1, Class B) one session on Saturday

October 8th, at 11:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m., another one on Sunday October 9th  at 11:00 a.m. until 5 p.m. Please check the signup sheet to find out which session you should attend.  Only twenty five people in each session.  Please note that there will be no tool training until spring 2023.

This tool training is required for the students and persons who will be or think that they might need to use power hand tools for their research projects.  The tools training covers the use of circular saw, table saw, drill motor etc. in and around structures lab.  Be sure to sign up before October, 4th.  Renewing is required every eight months. The signup sheet will be posted on the door room 33 (machine shop), across from the material lab, More Hall basement. Continue reading

Join the Environmental Policy Student Association on Wednesday Nov. 17!

Hey Huskies!

Are you interested in environmental policy?

Then join the Environmental Policy Student Association!

We’re a group of students passionate about engaging with peers, professors, and professionals in the field on a range of environmental policy topics. This includes environmental and climate justice, sustainability, climate governance, environmental decision making, careers in environmental policy, and so much more!

Join us for discussion nights, guest speakers, a career panel, and a space to meet people with similar interests in environmental policy.

We’re meeting this Wednesday Nov. 17 at 7 p.m. in Savery 156, where we will hear from guest speaker and UW lecturer Scott Montgomery; submit questions for professor Montgomery here. Also, please sign up below to be sure you stay updated about club activities.

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Join the Environmental Policy Student Association on Wednesday Nov. 17!

Hey Huskies!

Are you interested in environmental policy?

Then join the Environmental Policy Student Association!

We’re a group of students passionate about engaging with peers, professors, and professionals in the field on a range of environmental policy topics. This includes environmental and climate justice, sustainability, climate governance, environmental decision making, careers in environmental policy, and so much more!

Join us for discussion nights, guest speakers, a career panel, and a space to meet people with similar interests in environmental policy.

We’re meeting this Wednesday Nov. 17 at 7 p.m. in Savery 156, where we will hear from guest speaker and UW lecturer Scott Montgomery; submit questions for professor Montgomery here. Also, please sign up below to be sure you stay updated about club activities.

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Campus Sustainability Fund Committee Positions Open for Undergrads. Apply by Monday, Nov 1!

Interested in sustainability on campus?

The Campus Sustainability Fund (CSF) is seeking applicants for the 2021-2022 Graduate and Undergraduate student positions. The CSF is a student -run and student-funded grant making organization that has been established at the UW for the past 12 years. The group is led by passionate student leaders who work to bring more opportunity for student leadership and agency in finding solutions for climate change by financially supporting transdisciplinary sustainability projects led by UW students. If you would like to get involved, consider applying for the CSF 2021-2022 ESC Graduate and ASUW Undergraduate Student Committee position. This is an exciting opportunity for students to be involved in the decision-making process of CSF grants along with gaining skills in leadership, budgeting and understanding of grant-making. We hope to see you apply and continue your impact on sustainability efforts on campus!


Positions are volunteer, however there is an opportunity for a paid committee chair position in the second year of membership.


Application Due Monday November 1st. Apply here. 

Join the Environmental Policy Student Association on Wednesday Oct. 20!

Hey Huskies!

Are you interested in environmental policy?

Then join the Environmental Policy Student Association!

We’re a group of students passionate about engaging with peers, professors, and professionals in the field on a range of environmental policy topics. This includes environmental and climate justice, sustainability, climate governance, environmental decision making, careers in environmental policy, and so much more!

Join us for discussion nights, guest speakers, a career panel, and a space to meet people with similar interests in environmental policy.

We’re meeting this Wednesday Oct. 20 at 7 p.m. in Savery 156; please sign up below to be sure you stay updated.

Here’s a link to find out more information about EPSA, as well as ways to stay connected with us!


Furthermore, we ask that all who plan on attending this meeting and all future meetings are in compliance with the UW Vaccination Policy and the UW Face Masking Policy. Please self-monitor your health for COVID-19 symptoms in the days prior to our meetings and stay home if you’re feeling sick. Thank you all for helping us stay safe, healthy, and in-person this fall!

Feel free to email epsa with any questions at epsa@uw.edu, sign up via our sign up sheet, or visit us on instagram @EPSAUW

We’re excited to see you!


UW EcoCAR Fall Applications

The UW EcoCAR team has just opened positions on most of our swimlanes and would like to invite you to apply. Members on our team get to learn and demonstrate their skills in many disciplines including mechanical, electrical, systems, and software engineering. If you’re interested in joining us as we convert gasoline cars into autonomous hybrids, please use this link to apply: https://forms.gle/ijXH6ZvCKsX49oLC8

The application closes at 11:59 pm PT on Friday, October 22. Please let us know if you have any questions at ecocar@uw.edu


Global Renewables Infrastructure Development (GRID) Student On-Boarding Meeting

Hello CEE Students!

My name is Trent Dillon and I’m the lead officer of Global Renewables Infrastructure Development (GRID). GRID is a registered student organization that works on designing, optimizing, installing, financing and assessing the societal impacts of renewable energy systems, with a specific focus on projects that advance equitable access to electricity. We’re an interdisciplinary mix of graduate and undergraduate students with backgrounds in engineering, natural sciences, social sciences and more.


We’re recruiting new members! On Thursday, November 4th from 4:00-5:00 PM we’ll host an on-boarding meeting to provide an overview of GRID,  discuss the projects mentioned below in greater detail, and answer questions. If you’re interested in joining, please fill out this short (~1 min) form so we can send you the zoom link.


Here’s a little more information about GRID:


In 2018 and 2019, we installed just over 50 single home solar systems in municipalities in Puerto Rico that were severely impacted by Hurricane Maria, as well as rural indigenous populations in Guatemala that lack access to the electric grid. Throughout the pandemic, we have focused our efforts on remote projects, such as developing optimization software to design a solar and battery storage energy system for a library in Ghana. Our overall aim is to give students hands-on experience in the implementation of clean energy technologies, gain an understanding of the non-technical aspects required for community-based projects to be successful, and to research, identify, and publish best practices for clean energy development projects, with an emphasis on social justice and working co-collaboratively with community members.


Currently, we have four project groups in need of support from new members.

  • Ghana Project Team: using and developing optimization software to design an off-grid solar-powered library in Ghana
  • Business Team: helping to budget and pursue fundraising opportunities for our Ghana Project concept, also organizing networking events for GRID
  • Test Bed Team: designing a small-scale solar energy system for the UW Solar Energy Test Bed (lots of hands-on work, including developing a custom data acquisition system)
  • Social Impacts Team: developing social surveys, visualizing survey data and publishing best practices on how to work co-collaboratively with communities

We’re also very interested in new projects, research and partnerships. If you have an interest in renewable energy and an idea for how your background or connections may be applicable, we’d love to hear from you and chat further about your concept! Please sign up or email grid@uw.edu.

Reminder/Save the Date: CEE Welcome Event! (Next Wed, Oct 6th, 5pm, HUB N Ballroom)

Hello CEE Majors –

We wanted to remind you about our CEE Welcome Event next Wednesday, Oct 6th, at 5pm in the HUB North Ballroom.

This event will allow CEE students an opportunity to learn more about the department, meet CEE Faculty, Staff and other CEE majors, and see all of the great opportunities available to them in CEE!

All CEE majors (BSCE/BSENVE) are invited and we hope to see you there!

CEE Welcome Event (Wed, Oct 6th, 5pm – HUB North Ballroom)

All CEE Majors are invited to attend!

2021 CEE Welcome and Orientation

(10/6), 5-7pm, HUB North Ballroom

4:45 PM Student Check-In Begins
5:00-5:30 PM Program/Presentation: Welcome to CEE
5:30 -6:30 PM CEE Activities Fair (email ceadvice@uw.edu if your RSO or activity would like to have a table)
6:30-7:00 PM Social Hour

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