CEE Ugrad Weekly: Summer Advising, Mental Health Resources, FE Exam, Letters of Recommendation

A message from the advising team:

As you prepare for finals and get ready to head into summer (internships, research, courses, a break, etc.), we wanted to touch base with you on a few items. The information below is relevant information for students at all levels so please read through everything and let us know if you have questions. Learn about CEE summer advising, mental health resources, the FE exam, Letters of Rec, and the Career Center @ Engineering below. Continue reading

Covid Crisis in India

President Cauce’s most recent blog post is about the importance of caring for the UW community through the current Covid crisis in India.
The current Covid situation in India is terrible. Death rates are high, medical care and supplies are in short supply, and many cities and states are under lockdown. Like many crises, Covid’s impacts reflect existing inequalities. While Covid has hit low-income communities especially hard, it is impacting everyone.
Many people in the CEE community are from India or have close personal or family ties. So many families have lost loved ones. The human toll is heartbreaking and scary.
For those in our community impacted directly: you are in our thoughts. You have our support.
President Cauce’s blog lists resources.
If you are interested in giving money, UW provided a list of organizations working on Covid relief in India.
CEE’s institutional connections with India include that dozens of CEE students have spent their Winter Quarter studying and working with organizations in Bangalore, via the Grand Challenges Impact Lab (GCIL). Professor Hossain works with marginal farmers in North India and I (Julian) work on indoor and outdoor air pollution in India. As a further opportunity to provide on-the-ground financial support, an outstanding organization CEE GCIL students have worked with in Bangalore, Hasiru Dala, is fundraising for their Covid relief work.
Our department invites everyone to be mindful of how the current crisis in India is impacting members of our community. We hope everyone will be there for each other.
If we can help, please reach out.
Jessica Kaminsky, Laura Lowes, and Julian MarshallCovid crisis in India

Engineer’s Grounding Session on May 14

The department of ECE’s Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee is sponsoring a community grounding session for CoE’s BIPOC students including Black, Indigenous, Hispanic/Latinx, Asian, multi-racial, and other underrepresented minority students on May 14th at 6 – 7:30 pm PST.

Please join us to connect with fellow CoE community members, build relationships, and participate in a restorative breathing exercise to connect us to each other and ourselves.

Please RSVP here using your UW email.

Race & Equity Initiative Healing and Wellness Sessions

Greetings, UW Community.

Please join the Race & Equity Initiative for two healing and wellness sessions with local wellness practitioner Tai Velasquez. Tai’s work focuses on breathing and meditation practice as one tool for slowing down and connecting with our inner guidance. You are invited to attend one or both sessions.

  • Tuesday, May 4 from 4:00-4:45 (please register by 9am on 5/4)
  • Tuesday, May 18 from 4:00-4:45 (please register by 9am on 5/18)

Zoom registration is required—Please use your UW email address. Register here.

Please know, they will not admit people from the waiting room who do not login with the name they provided during the registration process. They also reserve the right to remove any participant who disrupts or is counterproductive to the healing space we are creating.

Learn more about the sessions below.

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CEE Ugrad Weekly: AUT21 Updates | Mentoring Sessions | Graduating Seniors | Connecting with your advisers

Hello CEE Majors,

We’ve got a few updates below but I wanted to reiterate the importance of your degree audit. Your Degree Audit (DARS) is the tool that University of Washington uses to track your progress to degree. If there are requirements missing from your degree audit, the University will not grant your degree.

So, if you have taken  STAT 311 to satisfy your statistics requirement, you need to make sure that STAT 311 is showing up when you refresh your DARS.  This is true of all degree requirements that appear on your DARS.

I purposefully chose STAT 311 to use as an example because STAT 311 is approved for statistics at the dept level only. DARS will not show STAT 311 unless you have communicated with one of your CEE advisers that you have taken STAT 311 and that it is not showing up on your DARS.

To run a fresh degree audit, use the MyPlan “Audit Degree (DARS)” option.  (We do not recommend using the MyPlan “Audit Plan” option as it misses some of the nuance in our degree programs)

Read about updates to courses, updates to Senior Year Faculty Mentoring sessions, important deadlines, mental health resources, and graduating info. As always, you know how to find us if you have questions or items to discuss!

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Healing and Wellness Opportunities

A message from Department Chair Laura Lowes:

Watching the Derek Chauvin trail and waiting for a verdict is difficult and comes at a time when our energy is already low due to a multitude of other events. I’m writing to you today to encourage you to take the time you need to keep yourself healthy and well during these difficult times and to let you know that there are a number of health and wellness resources that are being planned for the coming weeks, in the aftermath of the Chauvin verdict. These will be announced centrally as they become available. In the near term, there are two opportunities specific for students. 

Learn more about the events below and please take advantage of these and other University resources, and don’t hesitate to reach out for help and advice to CEE advising staff, UW staff or others.

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Autumn Quarter Planning and Vaccine Eligibility Updates

A message from Department Chair Laura Lowes:

All, I hope that your spring quarter is off to a good start. You will have noted in Provost Richard’s recent message that all member of the UW community who are able to get vaccinated are expected to do so. Provost Richard’s message provide links to a couple of websites where you can find vaccination appointments. For those currently residing in WA state: UW Medicine and other locations and for all: vaccination opportunities in the United States. CEE faculty and staff also recommend https://www.covidwa.com/.

Looking forward to vaccinations enabling life at UW and around the world to get back to normal someday soon.

CEE Ugrad Weekly: SPR Deadlines | Senior Year Planning | Graduating Seniors | Connecting with Your Advisers

A message from the advising team:

We hope you are doing well and are off to a nice start in SPR21!

Once your SPR21 schedule is set, make sure to refresh your degree audit (Graduating Seniors, see the note below).

Here are a few reminders as you wrap up week 1. There are important deadlines to note, mental health resources, and more. Read all about it by continuing to read.

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CEE Ugrad Weekly: Spring Break Edition (Senior Year Planning, FE Exam, Letters of Rec, Advising Hours, etc.)

A message from your advising team:

As you head out for spring break, we wanted to leave you with a few items to help you prepare for spring quarter, internships, graduation and beyond (Academic Planning, FE Exam, Faculty Letters of Recommendation, Spring Break Advising, Mental Health Resources, etc.). Have a great spring break and let us know if you need anything!

Check everything out by continuing to read:

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