CEE Ugrad Weekly: Wellness Resources | Spring Break Advising Hours | FE Exam | Letters of Recommendation

A message from the advising team:

We will have limited advising capacity during finals week and spring break and will not be holding drop-in hours over spring break. If you’d like to speak with an adviser, please email ceadvice@uw.edu with your name, ID number, your availability, and a summary of your concerns/questions.

We also wanted to provide you with a few reminders/notices as you finish up WIN21 and head into spring break. They concern mental health resources, the FE Exam, and Letters of Recommendation. Check them all out by continuing to read.

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CEE Ugrad Weekly: FE Exam, Letters of Rec, Mental Health Resources, CC@E

A message from the advising team:

As you prepare for finals, we wanted to touch base with you on a few items. The information below is relevant information for students at all levels so please read through everything and let us know if you have questions.

Learn about mental health resources, the FE Exam, letters of recommendation, and Career Center @ Engineering by continuing to read:

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CEE Ugrad Weekly: CEE Networking Event, Mental Health Resources, SPR21 Registration, Capstone Preview

Hello CEE Majors,

As we head towards finals and registration for SPR21, we hope you things are going well! Please let us know if you have any questions or need assistance with anything (Seniors: Do you need to apply to graduate? You can check by looking at the top of your degree audit.)

Read more to learn about the upcoming CEE Student Networking event, mental health resources, registration reminders, and the recent Capstone preview event.

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A Reflection of Feb 12 CEE Town Hall

A message from Department Chair Laura Lowes:
Many thanks to all who joined the CEE Town Hall meeting last Friday afternoon. Hopefully it provided an opportunity for you to learn more about COE and CEE faculty, staff and student efforts to advance JEDI issues within the department, college and university as well as to provide feedback on activities to date and input on future goals and projects. The video recording of the meeting as well as Poll Everywhere results will be posted to the CEE JEDI website in the near future. If you have additional thoughts about JEDI issues or activities to advance these goals within CEE, access to an anonymous feedback form as well as the email addresses for CEE JEDI committee chairs Professors Kaminsky and Marshall are provided on the CEE JEDI webpage; you can also email me at lowes@uw.edu.
Many important issues were raised during the town hall meeting. One issue that I wanted to respond to immediately is that of mental health. These are very difficult times. The isolation forced by COVID combined with the increasing visibility and awareness of the myriad challenges facing our world, from racial and economic inequity to climate change, is affecting all of us. The UW has responded by providing additional mental health resources for us:
For students:



For UW employees: the UW Carelink lists a wide range of resources for maintain health and wellbeing, and, with a few clicks, provides immediate access to ComPsych GuidanceConsultants.
For all, I encourage all of us to reduce the isolation brought on by COVID safety measures. Take time to socialize with colleagues in classes, research groups, and professional meetings. The five to ten minutes spent chatting at the beginning of a meeting, or even a class session, is time well spent on our mental health. Additionally, I would welcome suggestions on software or services that the department could employ for virtual social events, to increase our social engagement.

UW Counseling Center – WIN21 Mental Health Groups and Opportunities

The UW Counseling Center if offering an increased number of mental health groups in WIN21 along with their individual mental health resources.

This past quarter, the UW Counseling Center found that students were hungry for groups.  Whereas they needed to convince students that groups were a great treatment option in the past, last fall, students were the ones calling us asking for group options. So, UW is offering more groups. Attached is a list of the various offerings by day of the week:

  1. Therapy groups that require that the students commit to attending the group, indicated by “referral needed.”
  2. Drop-in groups and workshop series.
  3. Let’s Talk, for consultation with a counselor.

For more detailed group listings, go here or check out our Instagram page: @uwcounseling

As a reminder, during the pandemic, students have the option of using My SSP (My Student Support Program) for consultation with a counselor. You can do that  here.

Continue reading to check out different sessions and workshops offered:

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Academic Support Programs Webinars and Workshops

Happy New Year! As we start a new quarter, Academic Support Programs invites you to join them for a week-long event to celebrate and prepare for the beginning of the quarter together! From January 10-15, Academic Support Programs is hosting “Welcome to Winter with ASP.” Part of this week includes workshops and webinars about online learning tips, time management, and motivation in the virtual world presented by Academic Success Coaches and CLUE Tutors.

Read more to learn about the different webinars and workshops, as well as learn how to engage with ASP to win prizes!

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UW Student Wellness Resources

During times of added stress it is important to maintain proactive self-care.

This is a reminder that UW has a number of wellness resources that we recommend becoming familiar with:

CEE Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge: Week 4 Resources

Welcome to Week 4 of the CEE Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge! This is the final week of materials for this quarter. This week’s topic is Allyship and Action Steps. As before, please engage with some or all of the materials below, and consider meeting up with friends to discuss!
Discussion/Thought Questions:
  • How can you be a better champion for DEI efforts on your campus?
  • Why is it important for you to be a better DEI champion?
  • What are you doing with your team to foster learning about DEI issues?
  • What can you specifically influence in your organization?

Read and Watch: 

CEE Ugrad Weekly: CEE Student Advisory Board | EPE Recruitment | Blog Updates

A message from the advising team:

We are now on the home stretch! You have been working hard since the beginning of the quarter and winter break is just a few weeks away!

This update is going to be pretty short since we know you are locked in preparing for your finals but read through to the bottom as I’ve highlighted some blog posts from the last week that may be of interest.

Keep reading to check everything out:

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COVID-19: What to Do if You Test Positive

A message from Bryan Crockett:
As we move further into fall quarter, I hope that you are all staying healthy. I know many of us are doing our utmost to follow public health guidelines and minimize the spread of Covid-19.  However, even when we do our best, there is still a chance we can contract Covid. As such, I wanted to send out some recommendations on how to communicate with the UW and CEE if you should happen to test positive for COVID-19.
  • FIrst and foremost, self-isolate and do not come to campus if you test positive.  If you are living on-campus, follow-up with Housing and Food Services for advice on how to quarantine.
  • Contact Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) to advise them of your status.
  • If you need class accomodations, we recommend that you let your instructors know.
  • If you are working as an RA, TA or other on-campus employee, and your diagnosis will impact the performance of your job duties, we also recommend that you inform your supervisor.
Thank you all for protecting the health of our community!