UW Hyperloop Fall Recruitment


Washington Hyperloop Fall 2022 applications are currently open! 

Fall 2022 Application: https://forms.gle/SX3n5Y4eHBXPDXCG6 [forms.gle]

Applications are competitive and the final date to apply is Tuesday, October 25.

Washington Hyperloop is a student run organization. Our goal is to design and build a tunnel boring machine to compete at Elon Musk’s Not-a-Boring Competition [boringcompany.com].

In order to complete the design, our team is broken up into sub-teams that will be responsible for the component of the TBM.  Continue reading

SURE-EH Undergraduate Student Research Positions Available

Hello Students,

The Supporting Undergraduate Research Experiences in Environmental Health (SURE-EH) program provides up to two years of hourly employment to UW undergraduates from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds to conduct research in areas relevant to the environmental health sciences and the mission of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences [niehs.nih.gov].

Students accepted into the program will work alongside faculty and research staff in the School of Public Health’s Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Science (DEOHS). Student researchers will be eligible for up to 2 years of funding: full-time (up to 40 hours) during summer and part-time (up to 15 hours) during the academic year.

We are currently looking for an undergraduate student to work on the following research project:

Project # 1:  Methods for enrichment and sequencing of antibiotic resistance genes in environmental samples Continue reading

SARP Fall Recruitment


The Society of Advanced Rocket Propulsion (SARP) is launching UW to space! Apply here [forms.gle]!

SARP is an engineering technical team built on offering students a hands-on opportunity to apply what they learn in class to interesting projects normally outside the scope of a university.

We are currently developing a liquid bipropellant engine (what NASA or SpaceX uses) to participate in the Dollar per Foot (DPF) challenge with the Friends of Amateur Rocketry. Our goal is to scale up to 12 inches this year and eventually launch to space in 2025. No matter your experience, someone on this team will be able to teach you the necessary skills to become a great engineer, whether that’s in propulsion, electrical, or structural engineering and everything in between.

To learn more about us, feel free to reach out to sarpuw@gmail.com or look at our website at sarpuw.com [sarpuw.com].

Reminder Deadline October 12: $100 gift card giveaway | Share your input on the 2023-27 Strategic Plan

Hi All,

Quick reminder to fill out this survey by October 12th for the chance to win a $100 giveaway for a gift card to a local business of your choosing. There will be a Graduate and Undergraduate chosen to receive a gift card.

Take the UW CEE Student Survey [surveymonkey.com]

Again, responses will be recorded anonymously and reviewed by a third party. They will not be attributed to any specific individuals when this third party shares its findings summary with UW CEE leadership.

Thank you, and please let me know if you have any questions about this survey or the UW CEE strategic planning process!


Welcome to the first day of instruction for academic year 2022/23

Dear all,

As the new chair in CEE, I would like to welcome you all to the first day of instruction for academic year 2022/23. Building community will be an important focus as we return after the summer hiatus. Whether you are a new member of the CEE community, a returning member, or you have been here all along, let’s support each other in making 2022/23 a productive year.


$100 gift card giveaway | Share your input on the 2023-27 Strategic Plan

Hi All,

The UW Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering is in the process of developing its new strategic plan, which will inform our shared priorities and strategies for research, teaching, culture, and more for the next five years.

Ultimately, we endeavor to create a strategic plan that strengthens the student experience—and that means your feedback is critical. We hope you will consider taking 15 – 20 minutes this week to complete the strategic planning survey and share your unique perspective with us.

When you fill out the survey, you’ll be automatically entered to win a $100 giveaway for a gift card to a local business of your choosing. 

Take the UW CEE Student Survey [surveymonkey.com]  Continue reading

Recruiting participants for a driving simulator study

The Human Factors and Statistical Modeling Lab (HFSM) at the University of Washington is recruiting participants for a driving simulator study.

Who we are
The team includes researchers from the Honda Research Institute and the Human Factors and Statistical Modeling Lab (HFSM) at the University of Washington.

Study overview
In this study, you will use a driving simulator for various scenarios and answer questions based on your driving experience. Our goal is to learn drivers’ situation awareness in various environments.


  • Have a valid US driver’s license for more than one year
  • Drive at least 3,000 miles per year
  • Be fluent in English
  • Feel comfortable with using an eye tracker (which captures your eye movements)
  • Fully vaccinated against Covid-19: 2 weeks after your second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, or 2 weeks after the single-dose Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen COVID-19 vaccine.
  • Have not participated in a driving simulator study during the past 6 months.

$25 per hour for your time. The study will be about 2 hours. The payment will be provided in the form of a Tango gift card. If you drive to campus, we will also provide you with parking validation.
Continue reading

CEE Candidate Town Hall – Professor Bart Nijssen Recording


In case you missed Professor Nijssen’s talk today June 2nd, you may view it here:

Topic: CEE Chair Search Townhall 3 – Bart Nijssen – Townhall starts at 12:30
Start Time: Jun 2, 2022 12:27 PM

Meeting Recording:

The actual talk starts around the 2 minute 24 second mark.  I will be sending out the form for feedback shortly.  Please let me know lethe@uw.edu if you have trouble accessing the recording.  You will need to login with your UWNetID.