
Thank you to all of our wonderful supporters. Through the years, Chamberlain lab has received donations and gifts to support the research of muscular dystrophy. We want to thank all of those people who have stood by us and contributed their time and efforts to raise funds to ensure the continuation of this important work. The following are a few of the leaders in that effort:

The Apex Foundation

In December of 2000, the Chamberlain lab relocated from Michigan to Washington State with the help and support of the Apex Foundation. The Foundation had contributed to the funding of the research at the University of Michigan Medical School and was instrumental in this move, which provided much-needed additional space and proximity to some of the great minds in muscular dystrophy research as well as premier treatment facilities in the Seattle area.

We would like to thank the Apex Foundation for all of their support and for making it possible for us to join the University of Washington’s School of Medicine here in Seattle. It has been a challenging and satisfying endeavor moving from the University of Michigan’s Medical School to Seattle, and has proven to be a wonderful opportunity to improve our facilities and expand our collaborations with many exemplary researchers working on muscular dystrophy in the areas of neurology, hematology, and genetics. We sincerely appreciate all that you have done for us and hope that we will be able to manifest that appreciation into advancements in the treatment of muscular dystrophy and ultimately a cure.

Please accept our heartfelt appreciation and gratitude until we may better repay your generosity.

The Muscular Dystrophy Association

The Muscular Dystrophy Association has been paramount in the success of Chamberlain lab. Their organization has provided funds, as well as the support and collaboration of an incredible research community that the Association has made possible by creating common goals and focus for many world renowned scientists and doctors.

The MDA has given muscular dystrophy the awareness by the public and the importance for developing a treatment and hopefully a cure that it so desperately deserves. We thank them for their foresight and perserverance in finding a cure and improving the quality of life for so many afflicted with this disease. We are proud to be included in their ranks.

Edgar Martinez Golf Classic to Benefit Muscular Dystrophy

We want to thank Edgar Martinez for all his efforts to raise research money to fight muscular dystrophy through the annual Edgar Martinez Golf Classic. We have been the appreciative recipients of funds from this event for 5 years, and it has made a huge impact on the research.  We are eternally grateful for the dedication of the Martinez family, and the MDA who co-ordinate this event. “The Edgar Martinez Golf Classic has raised more than $1 million in the last 5 years. MDA partnered with Edgar to help raise awareness and critical research funds to help find a cure for Duchenne muscular dystrophy.”