Participate in this Year’s Equity Survey!

Please take a few minutes today to participate in this year’s equity survey to help build momentum on issues of equity here at UW! 

In 2018, UAW 4121 members organized and won the right in our contract with UW administration to develop and administer an annual survey as a way of gathering long-term information about the specific harassment, discrimination, and inclusion issues ASEs and Postdocs are facing at UW. As with the last two years’ surveys, the results will be used to propel future work to address structural causes of inequity, so it’s critical that every ASE and Postdoc participate to ensure the results will be as compelling and representative as possible. 

The more people who participate, the better we’re able to demonstrate to administration that there’s widespread momentum and investment in addressing issues of equity. This will give us a much stronger position to make structural improvements in our contract negotiations.

This survey is administered through Catalyst in order to track who has filled it out, but your responses won’t be connected with your identifying information. The results will be analyzed by members of the Empowering Prevention and Inclusive Communities program and our Anti-Discrimination Working Group. For more information and to get involved, email and/or

Every person’s participation helps strengthen whatever findings come from the survey, which in turn strengthens our ability to enforce and expand the gains we’ve won in recent years, so please take 10 minutes now to add your voice

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