Graduate Exams and Timeline

General Timeline for Graduation

The chemistry website has a list of graduation requirements here.


As a Ph.D. student in the department of Chemistry, one must take the Second-Year exam as well as the General Exam.

Second Year Exam

This exam occurs mainly in the winter/spring of the second year of graduate school. Information is typically sent to current second year students in December.

Here is a previous document sent out by the chair of the department regarding the expectations of the Second Year exam.

General exam:

This exam is taken after the second year, however when one takes this exam is extremely variable.  According to the Chemistry website, it is taken by the “End of Autumn Quarter of fourth year.”

Here is a previous document sent out by the chair of the department regarding the expectations of the General Exam


Words of Wisdom from Graduate Students

We are in the process of compiling this right now! Wanna get involved? Email