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New Lab Name: cQED

We have changed the lab name from CQE to cQED: Chen Quantum Engineering & Devices, to emphasize the device aspect of our research, as well as to coincide with circuit Quantum Electrodynamics (cQED), the study of microwave photon-qubit interaction, which is at the heart of our research!

New funded undergraduate research opportunity: Quantum@UW

The REU Program Quantum@UW is a 10-week NSF-funded research program at the University of Washington in Seattle. It is designed to offer undergraduate students the opportunity to conduct research on a variety of topics in Quantum Information Science and Engineering ranging from theory and applications (quantum algorithms, cryptography, and complexity theory) to experiments (quantum hardware technologies and architectures). 

More details:

Chen Quantum Engineering (CQE) Lab officially starts! Congratulations!

Dr. Mo Chen joins the Department of Materials Science & Engineering at the University of Washington as an Assistant Professor this September, along with two other new faculty. CQE Lab will focus on advancing solid-state quantum technologies, leveraging materials science and device physics tools. If you are passionate about experimental quantum science & engineering and would love to turn your novel ideas into real working devices, please contact Prof. Chen for potential opportunities. More details can be found here.

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