We have changed the lab name from CQE to cQED: Chen Quantum Engineering & Devices, to emphasize the device aspect of our research, as well as to coincide with circuit Quantum Electrodynamics (cQED), the study of microwave photon-qubit interaction, which is at the heart of our research!
Category: News
New funded undergraduate research opportunity: Quantum@UW
The REU Program Quantum@UW is a 10-week NSF-funded research program at the University of Washington in Seattle. It is designed to offer undergraduate students the opportunity to conduct research on a variety of topics in Quantum Information Science and Engineering ranging from theory and applications (quantum algorithms, cryptography, and complexity theory) to experiments (quantum hardware technologies and architectures).
More details: https://quantumreu.cs.washington.edu/home
We received the MEM-C Seed Award!
We will be collaborating with Prof. Mo Li’s group in ECE to investigate in-situ strain control in superconducting qubits. Read more from MEM-C!
Madelein and Josh joined CQE as undergraduates. Welcome!
Long overdue update: Madelein and Josh join from MSE and Physics, respectively. They will work on quantum circuits simulation and design. Welcome aboard!
Pan Shi has joined the lab as a PhD student in MSE. Welcome!
Pan joins us from Wuhan University, China, with a background in quantum control of superconducting qubits. Read his previous work on arXiv here. We are excited to have Pan in CQE Lab!
Our first dilution refrigerator ordered! Congratulations!
Bulma: The first dilution refrigerator of our lab, and the beginning of our exploration into the quantum world! More exciting news to come!
Chen Quantum Engineering (CQE) Lab officially starts! Congratulations!
Dr. Mo Chen joins the Department of Materials Science & Engineering at the University of Washington as an Assistant Professor this September, along with two other new faculty. CQE Lab will focus on advancing solid-state quantum technologies, leveraging materials science and device physics tools. If you are passionate about experimental quantum science & engineering and would love to turn your novel ideas into real working devices, please contact Prof. Chen for potential opportunities. More details can be found here.