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Local and Nonlocal Transport Spectroscopy in Planar Josephson Junctions

Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 096202 (2023).

We report simultaneously acquired local and nonlocal transport spectroscopy in a phase-biased planar Josephson junction based on an epitaxial InAs/Al hybrid two-dimensional heterostructure. Quantum point contacts at the junction ends allow measurement of the 2 x 2 matrix of local and nonlocal tunneling conductances as a function of magnetic field along the junction, phase difference across the junction, and carrier density. A closing and reopening of a gap was observed in both the local and nonlocal tunneling spectra as a function of magnetic field. For particular tunings of junction density, gap reopenings were accompanied by zero-bias conductance peaks (ZBCPs) in local conductances. End-to-end correlation of gap reopening was strong, while correlation of local ZBCPs was weak. A simple, disorder-free model of the device shows comparable conductance matrix behavior associated with a topological phase transition. Phase dependence helps distinguish possible origins of the ZBCPs.
Device and measurement setup.False-color micrograph of a representative device showing three-terminal configuration. Meandering perforations etched onto the superconducting leads allow partial depletion of the semiconductor using gate voltage 𝑉SC. Al loop allows phase biasing of the junction with a small out-of-plane magnetic field 𝐡βŠ₯. An in-plane magnetic field, 𝐡βˆ₯ is applied parallel to the 𝑆-𝑁 interfaces. Voltage biases 𝑉T and 𝑉B are applied to the top and bottom Ohmic contacts through the current amplifiers (CA). Gates 𝑉top⁑(bot) and 𝑉T⁑(B)⁒QPC form QPCs at the junction ends. 𝑉1 controls carrier density in the junction. All connections to the device are via ∼1–2  k⁒Ω fridge wires and filters, see Supplemental Material for details.
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