On February 1, 2010, the newest version of iPOLL will be released. Until then, try the Beta version from within the current service.
Enhancements include:
- Email login is no longer required to use iPOLL
- Every search generates a summary of question counts and datasets by decade
- Graphical display of question results
- Within the Search for Datasets catalog, there are now links to questions in iPOLL, permitting researchers to view topline results from the datasets they’ve identified for secondary analysis.
Registered Users will enjoy additional benefits—
- Select the way you want the summary of results to display
- Download full search results
- Download datasets (Registration is optional within iPOLL, but required to download datasets.)
- Bookmark searches and questions
While the new versions of these databases will become the default on February 1st, Traditional iPOLL will be available through spring 2010.
Visit iPoll at: http://roperweb.ropercenter.uconn.edu/iPOLL/login/ipoll_login.html