Trial: The Jewish Advocate

THE JEWISH ADVOCATE was first printed in Boston, 1909, by Jacob deHass, executive secretary to the founder of modern political Zionism. With the intention to serve and unite the booming Jewish community throughout New England, The Jewish Advocate was formed to instruct on matters of the Jewish faith and to champion the establishment of a Jewish state. Briefly, the newspaper was also published as The Jewish Home Journal and The Boston Advocate.


Trial ends: October 16, 2019

New Resource: EPS China Data Online

EPS China Data presents a collection of China statistical data and census data. It provides access to 41 China statistical databases (and more sub-databases) sourced from industrial, regional and national organizations, covering a wider range of subjects and fields. EPS China Data contains over 1.2 million time series of basic and combined statistical indicators with a yearly increment of more than 55 million numeric data.


New Resource: University of Michigan Press Ebook Collection

University of Michigan Press is a leading publisher of books and digital projects in the humanities and social sciences; areas of particular focus are performing arts; classical studies; political science; American studies (especially disability and class studies); Asian and African studies.

The purchase of the University of Michigan Press ebook collection includes support for their open access monographs.


New Resource: Web-ban Fūzoku gahō

One of the first Japanese illustrated magazines from Meiji 22 (1889) to Taishō 5 (1916) depicting manners and customs of Meiji Japan. Including prints and photographs, all articles in the magazine are searchable by titles, authors, dates, place names and keywords. The database can also be used for finding pictorial and encyclopedic information about variety of topics.