Russian national bibliography has been cancelled effective 12/31/10.
CANCELLED: ARTbibliographies modern
ARTbibliographies modern has been cancelled effective 12/31/10.;=uwash347&db;=artbm-set-c
CANCELLED: Associations unlimited
Associations unlimited has been cancelled effective 12/31/10.
CANCELLED: Beilstein crossfire
Beilstein Crossfire has been cancelled as of 12/31/10.
CANCELLED: Kikuzō II bijuaru for libraries [electronic resource] : Asahi shinbun onrain kiji dētabēsu.
Access to this database was discontinued after 8/31/10.
Questions/comments please send to Keiko Yokota-Carter
CANCELLED: Japanese magazineplus
This resource has been discontinued effective 5/31/10. The new Koseisha database will replace the content.
CANCELLED: Britannica online
Britannica online was cancelled effective 5/31/10. Records are in the process of being removed from the catalog and other pages.
STATSnetBase has been cancelled effective 3/31/10. Record updating is in process.
CANCELLED: NTIS database via CSA
The NTIS subscription database via CSA has been cancelled effective 2/2/10.
The publicly available (free) database on the NTIS website has now been cataloged and added to the digital registry.
There are other government technical report databases:
Public Technical Reports – DTIC Online
Defense Technical Information Center
Covers Defense Department funded research and related research areas (NTIS accession numbers AD/ADA/AD-B/AD-D, etc.)
Back to 50s – many .pdfs (full text)
DOE Information Bridge
many .pdfs (full text)
The Department of Energy database containing full text for Department of Energy (DOE) sponsored scientific and technical reports back to the early 1990s.
NASA Technical Report Server
Also, using Google can turn up NTIS accession numbers, report numbers and links to full text reports in .pdf from a myriad government agencies. is a good resource as well> for technical report literature.
We are currently exploring the possibility of acquiring the NTIS Technical Reports Library. This includes the full text of the reports from NTIS
CANCELLED: Oxford Scholarship Online
Effective 1/31/2010 access has ended to the Political science; Economics & Finance; Philosophy; Religion; and Linguistics collections of the subscription e-book package: “Oxford Scholarship Online”. There is no perpetual access to the books in this collection.