Trial: SPORTDiscus

Provided by the Sport Information Resource Centre, SPORTDiscus offers comprehensive, bibliographic coverage of sport, fitness and related disciplines. This database contains well over 1.7 million records with journal and monograph coverage going back to 1800; over 22,000 dissertations and theses and reference to articles in 60 different languages.

Trial URL:,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=sph

Trial ends: 12/20/2019

Trial: ProQuest Academic Video Online (AVON)

Academic Video Online delivers more than 62,000 titles spanning the widest range of subject areas including anthropology, business, counseling, film, health, history, music, and more. Curated for the educational experience, the massive depth of content and breadth of content-types (such as documentaries, films, demonstrations, etc.)

Trial URL:

Trial ends: November 29, 2019

Trial: Brill Encyclopedias

Brill’s Encyclopedia of the Religions of the Indigenous People of South Asia Online

Brill’s Encyclopedia of the Religions of the Indigenous People of South Asia Online strives to reflect the diversity of indigenous cultures of South Asia with its many language groups and religious traditions. Religion is taken in a broad sense and includes aspects of morality, symbolism, identity formation, environmental concerns, and art.

Trial URL:

Brill’s Encyclopedia of Jainism Online

Brill’s Encyclopedia of Jainism Online makes available up-to-date research on main aspects of the Jain traditions in original essays written by some of the world’s foremost scholars on Jainism. The encyclopedia is thematic and seeks to present a balanced and impartial view of Jainism with a focus on both historical and contemporary traditions and institutions.

Trial URL:

Trial ends: October 22, 2019

Trial: The Jewish Advocate

THE JEWISH ADVOCATE was first printed in Boston, 1909, by Jacob deHass, executive secretary to the founder of modern political Zionism. With the intention to serve and unite the booming Jewish community throughout New England, The Jewish Advocate was formed to instruct on matters of the Jewish faith and to champion the establishment of a Jewish state. Briefly, the newspaper was also published as The Jewish Home Journal and The Boston Advocate.


Trial ends: October 16, 2019

Trial: Brill’s Encyclopedia of Hinduism Online

Brill’s Encyclopedia of Hinduism presents the latest research on all the main aspects of the Hindu traditions. Its 438 essays are original work written by the world’s foremost scholars on Hinduism. The encyclopedia presents a balanced and even-handed view of Hinduism, recognizing the divergent perspectives and methods in the academic study of a religion that has ancient historical roots with many flourishing traditions today.

Trial URL:

Trial Ends: May 3, 2019

Trial: Gale Digital Scholar Lab

Gale Digital Scholar Lab provides an easy to access way of text mining Gale’s content.  Rather than learning Gephi, Python, R, or Mallet to analyze your text data, let Gale analyze it for you.  Try their six text mining tools including clustering, named entity recognition, ngram, parts of speech tagger, sentiment analysis, and topic modeling.

Contact Verletta Kern for access to this trial.

Trial Ends: April 27, 2019