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Research Team

Researchers supporting the CIRP at UW and affiliated sites.

Principal Investigators

Paul Kinahan, PhD

Professor of Radiology and Bioengineering, University of Washington

Director, UW Medical Center PET/CT Physics




McGarry Houghton, MD

Professor, Clinical Research Division, Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center

UW Professor Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Chief of Pulminolgy, Seattle Cancer Care Alliance


Research Team

Andrey Fedorov, PhD

Brigham Women’s

NCI Imaging Data Commons

Delphine Chen, MD

Director of Molecular Imaging SCCA

Chris Baik, MD

Medical Oncology SCCA / UW

Adriene Lehnert, PhD

PET imaging Lab

UW Radiology

Robert Miyaoka, PhD

Nuclear Med. Physics

UW Radiology

Mark Muzi, MS

Imaging Core Lab

UW Radiology

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