History: GSAIMS

Genome Sciences Association for the Inclusion of Minority Students (GSAIMS) was founded by GS graduate students Robin Aguilar and Phoebe Parrish in 2019.

Mission of GSAIMS

GSAIMS was a group of graduate students and postdoctoral scholars interested in expanding the spaces and support for underrepresented minorities (URM)* in the Department of Genome Sciences at the University of Washington. We aimed to provide peer support, mentorship, and guidance to aid individuals as they transition and navigate through their graduate and professional careers. We sought to provide opportunities for students to participate in events that will allow for inclusive and intersectional dialogue for all participants. GSAIMS aspired to provide a closer connection to more diverse student organizations within UW and outreach opportunities in Seattle.

*Here, we define underrepresented minorities as racial and ethnic minorities, first-generation college/grad students, women, LGBTQ+ individuals, financially disadvantaged individuals, and persons with disabilities.

GSAIMS programs included:

  • Meetings with URM and female seminar speakers
  • First-year mentorship and orientation activities
  • Social events year-round
  • Identity and discussion centered programming
  • Collaborations with UW organizations such as SACNAS, GO-MAP, etc.
  • Support during recruitment activities/URM conference recruitment
  • Providing safe spaces for discussion during community times of need

See a list of GSAIMS events on the past events page!