- Pride event and dinner
- Careers in Genomics Symposium – watch the recordings here!
- Plant swap
- Game night and social
- December Community Coffee Hour
- How to give a rotation talk: advice and workshop (Social Engagement)
- From Papers to Purpose: How to Prepare for and Launch Your Non-Academic Career with Dr. Jennifer Polk (Professional Development)
- Invited speaker Dr. Laura Landweber (Professional Development)
2019-2023: GSAIMS and WiGS
- 2023
- Plant swap and social
- WiGS game and social night at Big Time Brewery
- 2022
- CV and resume workshop
- Genomics Salon. Out of Cite, out of Mind – A discussion on the citation gender gap. View the discussion notes here.
- Movie night (Ghostbusters) and Day of the Dead celebration
- WiGS year-end wine and cheese social
- Board game social at Ravenna Brewing
- Industry careers panel by WiGS with Drs. Clara Amorosi (Bristol Myers Squibb), Emily Cohen (Kronos Bio), Molly Gasperini (Cajal Neuroscience), Paloma Guzzardo (Variant Bio), and Lindsay Pino (Talus Bio)
- 2021
- Picture a Scientist screening and discussion: WiGS and BBI
- Halloween party
- Graduate school info session
- Personal statement writing workshop
- 2020
- Virtual Murder Mystery Night (WiGS)
- Graduate school informational session
- Biotech Workshop with Nautilus Biotechnology (WiGS)
- WiGS Biotech & Accessibility night with SWE
- Discussion of “The association between early career informal mentorship in academic collaborations and junior author performance” [now retracted] undermining female mentors and mentees led by Taylor Wang
- 2019
- WiGS board game night at Cafe Mox
- First Yeast Rotation Practice Talks mentored by GSAIMS
- GSAIMS Hoppy Hour at Big Time Brewery
- A First Year Slice of Life Q&A and Pizza with GSAIMS
- WiGS mid-summer wine & cheese
- Edmonds Expanding Your Horizons workshop (WiGS)
2014-2019: WiGS
- 2018
- Board Game Night at Cafe Mox!
- Cecilia leads a Journal Club Discussion: Hekman et al. Does diversity-valuing behavior result in diminished performance ratings for non-white and female leaders?
- Book Club with UW Women in STEM groups: The Woman Who Smashed Codes by Jason Fagone
- Outreach: Edmonds Expanding Your Horizons – workshop
- Workshop: UW ENGAGE and WiGS run a workshop about crafting an elevator pitch about your science, with a focus on developing skills in stage presence, use of analogies, and storytelling.
- End of the year wine & cheese happy hour!
- Outreach: workshop on how to make a scientific poster
- Discussion: WiGS members met up with Dr. Sharona Gordon to discuss the findings from the NAS report on sexual harassment and how departments at UW can implement its suggested changes.
- End-of-Summer/Welcome Picnic at Gas Works Park
- 2017
- Discussion: CODE: Debugging the Gender Gap
- Outreach: Edmonds Expanding Your Horizons – workshop
- We participated in the March for Science!
- Beth leads a Journal Club Discussion: Makel et al., Sex differences in the right tail of cognitive abilities: An update and cross cultural extension.
- Workshop led by Elba Moise of the UW Center for Teaching and Learning.
- Annual wine & cheese happy hour!
- Outreach: Burke Museum’s Girls in Science Summer Camp Series workshop
- End-of-summer picnic at Magnuson Park!
- Sandi leads a Journal Club Discussion: Boring et al. Student Evaluations of teaching (mostly) do not measure teaching effectiveness.
- Movie Night: Hidden Figures
- 2016
- Workshop: General Exam Prep Q&A for current second-years
- Pop-up journal club: Lander, E. The Heroes of CRISPR. Cell, 2016.
- Spring discussion: Perception bias: male biology students consistently underestimate female peers, Dan Grunspan, UW Department of Anthropology.
- Outreach event: Seattle Expanding Your Horizons
- Picnic in Woodland Park
- Welcome event: board games and beer at Cafe Mox
- Discussion: Jevin West, “Men set their own cites high“
- Discussion: Magdalena Skipper, “The not-so-alternative career of a journal editor”
- 2015
- March journal club: Sheltzer, J.M. and Smith, J.C. Elite male faculty in the life sciences employ fewer women. PNAS, 2014
- Spring discussion: Why have women entered some STEM fields more than others? – Dr. Sapna Cheryan, UW Department of Psychology
- April journal club: Williams, W.M. and Ceci, S.J. National hiring experiments reveal 2:1 faculty preference for women on STEM tenure track. PNAS, 2015
- WiGS brunch at Portage Bay Cafe
- Workshop: Prize-winning Posters – Dr. Ivan Liachko, Dunham Lab, UW
- End-of-Year Wine and Cheese Social
- Picnic in Gas Works Park
- Welcome event: board games and beer at Cafe Mox
- Pop-up journal clubs:
- Nielsen, M. W. Make academic job advertisements fair to all. Nature, 2015.
- Van der Lee and Ellemers. Gender contributes to personal research funding success in The Netherlands. PNAS, 2015.
- Fall discussion: Bias in Peer Review, Carole Lee, UW Philosophy department
- Lunch with Carole Lee
- 2014
- Seattle Expanding Your Horizons workshop: The Genetics of Taste
- Summer discussion: Dr. Ohad Manor, Inside the PI Predictor — Borenstein Lab, UW
- Annual BBQ in Ravenna Park
- Welcome event: bocce, beer, and brats at Rhein Haus
- Annual seminar speaker: Dr. Hopi Hoekstra, Harvard University
- Fall industry spotlight: Julie Granka, AncestryDNA
- Workshop: General Exam Q&A for second-year Genome Sciences graduate students
- New Year Happy Hour at Shultzy’s in the University District
- Winter industry spotlight: Michael Senko, Thermo Fisher Scientific
- January journal club: Leslie et al. Expectations of brilliance underlie gender distributions across academic disciplines. Science, January 21, 2015.
- February journal club: Ely, RJ. Rethink what you know about high-achieving women. Harvard Business Review, December 2014.