Brittney Hultgren

Brittney Hultgren, Ph.D.
Acting Assistant Professor
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

I am interested in assessing risky alcohol and substance use and related consequences in young adults, with a specific focus on impaired driving-related behaviors. My work has mostly utilized a behavioral decision-making approach to understand factors that influence young adults’ decisions to engage in risky behaviors. I am also interested in developing and adapting prevention and intervention programs to reduce alcohol and substance use and consequences.

Selected Publications

  • Hultgren, B. A., Turrisi, R., Cleveland, M. J., Mallett, K. A., Reavy, R., Larimer, M. E., … & Hospital, M. M. (2019). Transitions in drinking behaviors across the college years: A latent transition analysis. Addictive Behaviors92, 108-114.
  • Hultgren, B. A.,Turrisi, R., Mallett, K. A., Ackerman, S., Larimer, M. E., McCarthy, D., & Romano, E. (2018). A longitudinal examination of decisions to ride and decline rides with drinking drivers. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research42, 1748-1755.
  • Mallett, K. A., Turrisi, R., Hultgren, B. A., Sell, N., Reavy, R. & Cleveland, M. (2017)When alcohol is only part of the problem: An event-level analysis of negative consequences related to alcohol and other substance use. Psychology of Addictive Behavior, 31, 307-314.
  • Hultgren, B. A., Cleveland, M., Turrisi, R. & Mallet, K. (2014). How estimation of drinking influences alcohol-related consequences over first year of college. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, 38, 1160-1166.