IRB Application title: Human Subjects Recruitment Core
IRB Application number: 00008340
PI Name: Patricia K Kuhl, PhD
Current Approval Dates: 10/4/2022 – 10/3/2025
If you want to add the Participant Pool to your approved recruitment methods on your own IRB application, below are short descriptions you can provide in your application to describe how the Participant Pool works. You will also need to include phone and/or email scripts/letters that you will use to approach subjects. Begin the script with telling participants where you got their information and end with telling them that if they are no longer interested in being contacted about research to let you know (so you can let us know) or they can contact the Participant Pool directly to request to be removed from the Pool.
Adult Subjects
The Human Subjects Recruitment Core (a.k.a Communication Studies Participant Pool) collects the names and contact information of people who are interested in participating in research studies and distributes their contact information to researchers. Information about some of the participant’s health history is collected on the Participant Pool enrollment form (health history is self-reported). This allows the Participant Pool to distribute the names, demographics and contact information for participants who show the highest potential for study eligibility. The researcher is responsible for informing the Participant Pool manager if participants decide that they do not want to be contacted again in the future, or have any updates to their contact information. Use of participant lists is time limited in order to ensure that participants are not being contacted too often in a short period of time. Researchers agree to complete all contact with participants before the list expires and to get permission from the Participant Pool if they wish to re-contact participants again in the future.
Infant/Child Subjects
The Human Subjects Recruitment Core (a.k.a Communication Studies Participant Pool) collects the names and contact information of parents who are interested in participating in research studies with their child(ren) and distributes their information to researchers. Parents are mailed an invitation to enroll in the Participant Pool based on state of Washington birth records for King and Snohomish counties. Parents fill out an enrollment form in order to be added to the Participant Pool. The Participant Pool includes infants and children of all ages. Older children have either been in the Pool since they were infants or they are older siblings of infants who were more recently recruited. Information about whether the child is typically developing or not is collected on the enrollment form. This allows the Participant Pool to distribute the names, demographics and contact information for participants who show the highest potential for study eligibility. The researcher is responsible for informing the Participant Pool manager if parents decide that they do not want to be contacted again in the future, or have any updates to their contact information. Use of participant lists is time limited in order to ensure that participants are not being contacted too often in a short period of time. Researchers agree to complete all contact with participants before the list expires and to get permission from the Participant Pool if they wish to re-contact participants again in the future.