Men's Water Polo Club

October 3, 2022

UBC Tournament in Vancouver, BC

Hey Husky Water Polo Fans,

After a successful trek north across the border, Husky Water Polo has made a return to the Canadian water polo scene from an over 15 year retirement. Being the first time in Canada for over half of our men, the Huskies fought tooth and nail for every goal, steal, and kick-out drawn this tournament. While the Canadian rules varied significantly from what the Huskies were used to, the Huskies adapted and found a lot of success on drive plays and time-and-room shots. With the beyond beautiful pool being a privilege to play in, Husky Water Polo had an amazing time and a great first kick-off to the 2022-2023 season. Shout out to the Vancouver Whiskey Jacks for giving Huskies more opportunities to get in the water. Thank you University of British Columbia for hosting!

We also want to extend a special thank you to all the fans have given us the support to make this possible!

Team: Doc Zimmer (Statistician), Shawn Ni, Nathan Phan, Eng Kwa, Lucas Ishizaki, Ben Roscoe, Trevor Owen, Edwin Lee, Jordan Anderson, Emanuele LeVander, Liam Griffith