At least once a week you will be attending a Guided Learning Session led by our NDV fellows, providers, and nurses.

After each Guided Learning Session, please fill out a speaker evaluation form. It is much appreciated! You may find the different evaluation forms here.


Zoom Etiquette/Expectations

Zoom is a new thing for all of us, and the etiquette is not really spelled out well in any setting. In our small group learning and check-ins, please make sure that you are there with the video on and showing the leader that you are attentive (understand this may not be possible if you are having technical problems)

The sound of course can be turned off, but most educators would expect that attendees need to be engaged and ready to turn their sound on and contribute if necessary. The video being on is really important, as it is a way for the educator/leader of the meeting to assess understanding and engagement of the rest of the group members. When the video is off, and/or if other outside activities are happening while the meeting is taking place, it does not indicate to the educator that the attendees are engaged with the material (and is often a bummer to the educator who took a lot of time and effort to prepare for the activity).

Prior to this Covid-era, we would have led these meetings in person and we would have required you to be there, but now we live in different times so these considerations must be clear.


If you require accommodations regarding this, please let Dr. Emily Myers or Charice know and we can figure something out. Thanks for understanding.